
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Special QSL of the Week - SQOTW25

Nostalgic Memories First Radio Broadcast

Mr Muneer K. P. in Sharjar, United Arab Emirates tells us that he received a QSL card from Deutsche Welle early last year, verifying his reception of their relay broadcast from the nearby Dhabaya transmitter station in Abu Dhabi.  This relay transmission on 15640 kHz is important to him, because the first shortwave broadcast he ever heard was from Deutsche Welle in 1982 while he was visiting in the home of a friend.  At the time, he was living in his home state, Kerala, in South India, and he wrote to Deutsche Well at their office in New Delhi, requesting a schedule.  Listening to the broadcast from Germany, and receiving a copy of the magazine Tune In sparked an interest in the monitoring of the international shortwave bands.
(AWR Wavescan/NWS 309)