
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Summer frequency updates - Part 2

All times UTC
Bible Voice Broadcasting (via unknown transmitter site) Effective 01 July 
1600-1730 12075 SCB 100 kW/ to WeAs Persian, ex 11600
Clandestine, Denge Kurdistan
effective from July 1
0300-0500 11600 ISS 250 kW/ to WeAs Kurdish, ex 11510
0500-1300 11600 KCH 300 kW/ to WeAs Kurdish, ex 11510
1300-1700 11600 SCB 100 kW/ to WeAs Kurdish, ex 11510
1700-1900 11600 ISS 250 kW/ to WeAs Kurdish, ex 11510

Frequency 11600 kHz is registered in HFCC Database on June 15

Voice of Mongolia
Tentatively from July 1
0900-0930 12014.9*U-B 250 kW/ to SEAs English, ex 11999.9, re-ex 12084.9
0930-1000 12014.9*U-B 250 kW/ to EaAs Mongolian ex 11999.9, re-ex 12084.9
1000-1030 12014.9 U-B 250 kW/ to EaAs Chinese, ex 11999.9, re-ex 12084.9
1030-1100 12014.9 U-B 250 kW/ to EaAs Japanese, ex 11999.9, re-ex 12084.9
* co-ch Radio Japan NHK World till 1000 on 12015 ASC 250 kW/245 deg to SoAm Japanese. The frequency 12015 kHz is registered in HFCC Database on June 16 but effective from 1 May 
(SW Nx 16 Jun)