
Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Government of the Crimea has created a Crimean Tatar public television and radio

Government of the Crimea has created a Crimean Tatar public television and radio. Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister of the Crimean government, Ruslan Balbec reported that the new broadcasting company will be named "Millet", which means "people" and the radio will be called the "Vetan", which means "homeland". To create a new television and radio from the federal budget will be spent 177 million rubles. The channel plans to launch in September. The post of head of the TV channel is planned to recommend to the Director of the Department of the Crimean Tatars and national television program "The first Crimean" Seyran Mambetova.

"Create an autonomous non-profit organization" Public TV and Radio Company of the Crimean Tatar ", - stated in the disposal, adopted at a cabinet meeting on Tuesday. The object and purpose of the work of television and radio is a profound and comprehensive coverage of socio-political, economic and cultural life of the republic, operative information about events in the Crimea and beyond, affecting the interests of the Crimean Tatars. Broadcasting will take place mainly in the Crimean Tatar language.

The founder of the broadcasting company entrusted by the State Committee for international relations and deported citizens of the Republic of Crimea, which is obliged to register it, approve the charter and appoint the head. On the results of execution of the order should be informed prior to 1 July.

Crimean Tatar public organizations previously appealed to the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov with a request to create a national public broadcaster in place to stop broadcasting on April 1, the Crimean Tatar radio station and television channel ATR Meydan, that the deadline could not be re-registered in accordance with Russian law.

( in, via RUS-DX No. 824, Jun 14)
(DX Window 533/08 Jul)