
Monday, July 06, 2015

KNLS completes antenna repairs

KNLS QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection)
From Rob Scobey, Senior Producer for International English: As I write this-our engineers in Anchor Point, Alaska are in the final stages of completing repairs to the mesh antenna that sends the signal of KNLS to the Eastern Hemisphere. Weather conditions finally improved enough to allow repair crews to have access to the site.
For the time being-KNLS will operate off of one transmitter and antenna. So the English hour will be broadcast three times a day rather than the normal four broadcasts plus one simulcast. Our next step is to get the new transmitter-that is, the second of two transmitters-hooked up to the second antenna. Once that's done-the English hour will be back to our full schedule.
(KNLS Website; via ADXN July magazine of ARDXC, via wwdxc BC-DX June 30)

9920 at 15:22- UT, KNLS on June 20. Very nice to see them back. Lovely S=9+20 signal. This is my favorite religious broadcaster, since the departure of HCJB. They actually have enjoyable  programming and nice music. Not at all like the usual paid programmers that ramble on and on!
Paved Paradise and put up a parking lot until 1525 UT. Then into a movie review.
(Walt Salmaniw-Masset cottage BC-CAN, DXplorer June 28)
(BC-DX/WWDXC/Top News 1213)