
Monday, July 06, 2015

Monitoring Bolivia

Pennant via playdx

logs edited for clarity

All times UTC

3310 Radio Mosoj Chaski. Station already on at 0847. Program began at 0901:12 with ethereal Andean instrumental music, folk music with rooster crowing, and male announcer's opening announcement in Quechua starting with, "Mosoj Chaski...". 0902-0904 instrumental national anthem to 0904. More istrumental folk music with male announcer's voice-over with station identification and mention of frequency. Mentions of  Cochabamba, Station website: Email, mailing address, and ending with nice "Mosoj Chaski Radio" ID. Live male DJ to 09:09:00 mentions of Mosoj Chaski at end of promo. Fairly good signal. (16 June)

5952.47 Radio. Pio Doce. Nice signal at 00:29 with the usual ID and Pio Doce choral song promo. A little noisy. (14 June)

6134.84 Radio. Santa Cruz at 09:48 . Beginning of "The Way it Is" by Bruce Hornsby as background music for a short canned ID by male announcer as "Radio Santa Cruz, la primera". Good but fading. Besides this and fading 6134.698 kHz RĂ¡dio Aparecida, the jammer was on 6135 kHz, but no sign of Voice of Freedom. (19 June) (Dave Valko-PA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 22)

6134.8v Radio Santa Cruz, Two nights in a row! Radio. Santa Cruz very strong again tonight at 01:40 peaking at S9 and over with some static crashes, with lively Latin rhythms and regular IDs in Spanish. (John Figliozzi-NY-USA, DXplorer July 1)

6134.8 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, at 01:12-01:26 on June 14. Nice program of vocals with several IDs ("Radio Santa Cruz, la premera...") noted between musical selections. Fair to good signal.
(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer / via ADXN magazine ARDXC June 14)
(BCDX2/WWDXC/Top Nx 1213)