
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Revised edition of Voice of Korea shortwave schedule

On Saturday, 15 August 2015, VOICE OF KOREA, the official external broadcasting service of the DPR Korea (North) from Pyongyang, has been introducing the amended A15 Summer schedule owing to the new Standard Time of the DPR Korea (North) now dubbed 'Pyongyang Time'. The new Standard Time is UTC (GMT) +8.5 hours (previously UTC + 9 hours).

1530                  9890    11645                                                    Near & Middle East; North Africa
1730                  9890    11645                                                    Near & Middle East; North Africa

0330                13650    15105                                                    Southeast Asia
0530                  7220      9445      9730                                      Northeast China
0630                13650    15105                                                    Southeast Asia
0830                  7220      9445                                                    Northeast China
1130                  7220      9445                                                    Northeast China
1330                11735    13650                                                    Southeast Asia
2130                  7235      9445                                                    Northeast China
2130                  9875    11635                                                    China
2230                  7235      9445                                                    Northeast China
2230                  9875    11635                                                    China

1630                  9425    12015                                                    Europe
1830                  9425    12015                                                    Europe
1930                  9425    12015                                                    Europe

0430                  7220      9445      9730                                      Northeast Asia
0430                11735    13760    15180                                      Central & South America
0530                13650    15105                                                    Southeast Asia
0630                  7220      9445      9730                                      Northeast Asia
1030                11710    15180                                                    Central & South America
1030                11735    13650                                                     Southeast Asia
1330                 9435    11710                                                    North America
1330               13760    15245                                                    Western Europe
1530                 9435    11710                                                    North America
1530               13760    15245                                                    Western Europe
1630                  9890    11645                                                    Near & Middle East; North Africa
1830               13760    15245                                                    Western Europe
1930                  7210    11910                                                    South Africa
1930                  9875    11635                                                    Near & Middle East; North Africa
2130               13760    15245                                                    Western Europe

0430                13650    15105                                                    Southeast Asia
0630                11735    13760    15180                                      Central & South America
1130                11710    15180                                                    Central & South America
1130                11735    13650                                                    Southeast Asia
1430                  9435    11710                                                    North America
1430                13760    15245                                                    Western Europe
1630                  9435    11710                                                    North America
1630                13760    15245                                                    Western Europe
1830                  7210    11910                                                    South Africa
1830                  9875    11635                                                    Near & Middle East; North Africa
2030                13760    15245                                                    Western Europe

0730                    621      3250      9650    11865                        Japan
0830                    621      3250      9650    11865                        Japan
0930                    621      3250      6070      9650    11865          Japan
1030                    621      3250      6070      9650    11865          Japan
1130                    621      3250      6070      9650    11865          Japan
1230                    621      3250      6070      9650    11865          Japan
2130                    621      3250      9650    11865                        Japan
2230                    621      3250      9650    11865                        Japan
2330                    621      3250      9650    11865                        Japan

0330 (PBS)*      7220      9445      9730                                      Northeast China
0730 (PBS)*      7220      9445                                                    Northeast China
0930 (KCBS)    7220      9445                                                    Northeast China
0930 (PBS)*      9875    11735                                                    Far Eastern Russia
0930 (PBS)*    13760    15245                                                    Europe
1030 (PBS)*      7220      9445                                                    Northeast China
1230 (KCBS)  11710    15180                                                    Central & South America
1230 (KCBS)  11735    13650                                                   Southeast Asia
1230 (PBS)*      7220      9445                                                    Northeast China
1330 (PBS)*      9425    12015                                                    Europe
1430 (KCBS)  11735    13650                                                    Southeast Asia
1730 (KCBS)    9435    11710                                                    North America
1730 (KCBS)  13760    15245                                                    Western Europe
2030 (KCBS)    7210    11910                                                    South Africa
2030 (KCBS)    9425    12015                                                    Europe
2030 (KCBS)    9875    11635                                                    Near & Middle East; North Africa
2330 (KCBS)    7235      9445                                                    Northeast China
2330 (KCBS)    9875    11635                                                    China
2330 (KCBS)  13760    15245                                                    Western Europe

0730                  9875    11735                                                    Far Eastern Russia
0730                13760    15245                                                    Europe
0830                  9875    11735                                                    Far Eastern Russia
0830                13760    15245                                                    Europe
1430                  9425    12015                                                    Europe
1530                  9425    12015                                                    Europe
1730                  9425    12015                                                    Europe

0330                11735    13760    15180                                      Central & South America
0530                11735    13760    15180                                      Central & South America
1930                13760    15245                                                    Western Europe

2230                13760    15245                                                    Western Europe
(Arnulf Piontek, Germany)

Please see below for the two official articles published by the DPR Korea news agency KCNA