
Monday, December 14, 2015

QSL of the Week: Old QSL Card from Radio Monitors International

It was back on December 6, 1981, that Jawahar Shaikh in South India tuned in to the old AWR DX program, RMI Radio Monitors International.  During that era, this program RMI was on the air from many stations in the nationwide network of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation; shortwave, mediumwave and FM. 
            The National Ekco radio receiver that Jawahar Sheikh owned was tuned to the 20 kW mediumwave transmitter at Jaffna, at the tip of the northern peninsula on the island of Sri Lanka, which radiated on 864 kHz.  At 1300 UTC, or 7:30 in the morning, the signal was loud and clear in South India with no interference.
            The particular QSL card that Jawahar filled in so very neatly was the Do It Yourself style, printed in green ink, and identifying AWR-Southern Asia.  An orange colored AWR QSL stamp was affixed to the card, and the card was signed by Jose Jacob VU2JOS, during his era of volunteer service with Adventist World Radio in Poona India. 

            The program content indicated on this QSL card included the Asian edition of RCI DX Digest with Ian MacFarland at Radio Canada International, and there was a Station Profile on the American experimental shortwave station W3XN.  This 34 year old QSL card, states listener Jawahar Shaikh, was his very first QSL card. 
(AWR Wavescan/NWS 354)