
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Blog Logs

All times UTC

Radio Bahrain 9745, 1820-. Tune-in to pop vocals from Sting. Slight signal fades noticeable. Upbeat Arabic vocals to easy-listening tune. Station promo’s interspersed between Arabic vocals. SIO 333. (Van Horn, NC)

Republic of Yemen Radio 11860, 1850. Impassioned Arabic speech to traditional Arabic vocals from 1857-1900. Arabic news at 1900 including interview. Fair signal for SIO 323. Station reportedly broadcast in support of disputed Yemeni president Abd Radduh Mansur Hadi. Speculation continues broadcast are from Saudi Arabian transmitters (Van Horn).

Radio Algerienne QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection)
Radio Algerienne-Holy Quran 11985, 1810-1820 via Issoundun, France transmitter. Brief notation of Qur’an. Arabic service as two host trade news items. Afternoon programming targeted to Africa, SIO 434. (Van Horn, NC)

Radio Méditterranée Internationale (Medi 1) 9575, 1602-1620. Arabic service with newscast, followed by Arabic music tunes and two announcer’s conversations. French pop rap tunes from 1512-1515.   Continued conversation –suspect concerning the French artist and music as “rap” and “classic” mentioned several times.  (Van Horn, NC)

Radio Sultanate of Oman 15140, 1450-1520. English service at tune-in. DJ’s Friendly banter and pop music tunes. Switch to Arabic at 1457 with station announcements to Arabic musical bridge.  Brief promo, brief two minute prayer from 1503. Arabic 1505, with station identification and mentions of Muscat.  Arabic newscast from 1507 with extra coverage on Syria and Bashar al-Assad, and Iran.  Additional ID 1515. Station feature 1516.  (Van Horn, NC)

Saudi Arabia
Radio Saudi-Holy Qur'an 13710. Tune-in from 1520. Arabic discussion about Mohammed and the Qur’an. Parallel on 17615 though weaker at 343 SIO. Radio Saudi-Call of Islam from 1526. Arabic text, from two male announcer’s-with “on-the-scene” reporting, and feedback with studio. Parallel on weaker 15225 kHz. Qur'an programming on 15205 from 1559 (Van Horn, NC)

Radio Thailand QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection)
Radio Thailand 9390, 1910-1925. English service covering news on Her Majesty Queen Sirkit, followed by a feature on the National Core Values, set forth by the King of Thailand. Program feature Thailand Travelogue , featuring Jazz by the River. Global News topics, followed by Business News. (Van Horn, NC)

Voice of Turkey 15200, 1540-1550  Arabic service including music program to lady’s two-minute headlines between musical bridges. Noted on parallel 9665 kHz, though considerably weaker. Websites   and quoted. Station program feature. Great Turkish music with occasional “TRT Ankara” mentions. (Van Horn, NC)

United States
Radio Free Euro/Radio Liberty. 9645, 1620-1635. Belarusian service. Conversations revolve about European topics including correspondent’s report. Station promotional to item about Czech Republic. (Van Horn, NC)