
Monday, February 22, 2016

Norway's Radio Northern Star on mediuwm wave and shortwave

Radio Northern Star in Bergen, Norway now has a regular broadcasting schedule:
Under a test and development licence we are using LKB LLE's LLE-4 station on 1611 kHz MW and a Skanti TRP-8250 HF 250 Watts remotely controlled transmitter on 5895 kHz, in USB mode and a refurbished Comrod antenna.
Medium Wave 1611 kHz     Short wave 5895 kHz
Sunday 0400-0430 and 2100-2230               2300-0330 and 1400-1600
Monday                0600-0800 and 1630-1730               2300-0100 and 1400-1600
Tuesday                2302-0030 and 1730-1830               0600-0800 and 1400-1600
Wednesday           0500-0530 and 2100-2130               0700-0900 and 1600-1800
Thursday               2330-0100 and 1830-1930               0600-0800 and 1400-1600
Friday    0700-0900 and 1930-2030               2300-0100 and 1400-1600
Saturday               0600-0630 and 2030-2100               2300-0900 and 1400-1600
In total 16 hours of transmission per week.

Monitored so far in AM mode @65 watts in the Shetland Islands, England, Ireland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. The current distance record belongs to Bjarne Mjelde i Finnmark, 1574 kms! If you're hearing us, we'd also be happy to receive your reception report to  or 
(Svenn Martinsen, WRTH Facebook page Jan 19, via BDXC Communication)
DSWCI/DX Window 549)