
Thursday, February 04, 2016

Rare AWR broadcast via Radio Earth in the Dominican Republic

Radio Earth QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection)
QSL of the Week

Back on December 2, 1984, Antonio Ribeiro da Motta of Sao Luiz do Paraitinga in Brazil heard a broadcast of the old DX program, Radio Monitors International RMI, from Radio Earth in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic.  This was in the days when the early DX program RMI was produced in the studios of Adventist World Radio in Poona India AWR-Asia, and by special arrangement, recordings of the program were made available for broadcast in the Americas through the broadcast services of Radio Earth.  
The broadcasts of Radio Monitors International were on the air from Radio Clarin in the Dominican Republic for only a short period of time and Antonio heard this broadcast on 11700 kHz.  The QSL card he received was the familiar multiple entry QSL card, black print on yellow card stock, that was in use at AWR-Asia in those days.  This QSL card was signed by Violet Peterson, the wife of the program host for Radio Monitors International.  This QSL card was rubber stamped and endorsed as the first reception report from South America. 

            As time went by, the 50 kW shortwave transmitter at Radio Clarin became the first main transmitter for Radio Miami International, WRMI in Hialeah, Florida.
(AWR Wavescan/NWS 362)