
Friday, February 12, 2016

Southern Thailand Violence Raises Fears of Insurgent Escalation

(photo via VOA)
Ron Corben
February 12, 2016 10:54 AM
Attacks across Thailand’s southern border provinces have raised fears of an escalation in insurgent violence, even as the Thai government has stepped up security operations and reports progress in its efforts to hold peace talks.  Human-rights advocates are calling for an investigation into claims of torture against detainees, including a death in custody.

Outbreak of violence
The outbreak of violence in Thailand’s southern provinces of Yala and Pattani on Friday included the roadside bombing of a military patrol providing security for local school teachers, drive-by shootings and arson attacks.

The insurgency in the largely Muslim-populated region, in its 12th year, has claimed over 6,200 lives, defying official efforts to end the bloodshed.

Panitan Wattanayagorn, a security adviser to the Thai defense minister, says the latest insurgent attacks are in response to security sweeps, including a raid Wednesday in Pattani Province that led to the seizure of a large quantity of bomb-making materials.

HSK9 Radio Thailand World Service
Effective to: 27 March 2016
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