
Friday, March 18, 2016

Free Radio Service-Holland set for March 20 broadcast

(via playdx)
On Sunday March 20, 2016, FRS-Holland will hit the shortwave airwaves.

Programmes will last all day and begin at 08:52 UTC/ 09:52 CEST with no less than five hours of music and information. FRS will offer you a varied offer of progarms and no doubt it will be worth your while to tune in our way.
A Sunday full of music, information and radio related items....the 'old fashioned' true sound of short wave free radio. Frequencies will be 9300 and 7700 kHz throughout the day and 6070 kHz in the afternoon.

Tune in! Go tell your friends...
For more details refer to:

May we take this opportunity to tell you that any mail or snail mail is more than welcome. Remember your support (letters, mails, reception reports) is our reward and thus very important. Without support the motivation to produce an FRS Sunday with all the ingredients would be much less. It's the listeners that keep us going...please keep that in mind.

We'd like to focus on the subject of reception reports. In recent months we have been aware that there's a great difference in the quality of reports. Some reports are well written and contain all the 'elements' any report should include (including various programme details). Unfortunately we also receive two or three line reports in which some 'elements' are completely missing. We'd like to stress, that we very much like to issue our QSL cards but not in the case that reports are incomplete! In this way we would refer to It is very simple!  Especially some of the  listeners should be aware that details doesn't mean 'presenter' or 'pop music' but the name of the presenter, show and record/artist.

Thanks for reading this mail...we very much hope to 'meet' you on Sunday March 20th on the short wave bands!!
Peter Verbruggen (on behalf of the entire FRS crew)