
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Relays ... and more

Relays from EMR, FRSH, Atlantic 2000, Superclanradio & HLR

European Music Radio Relays on 20th of March 2016:
08.00 to 09.00 UTC  on 7265 & 6070 KHz  Tom Taylor & Tony Currie Mail Box (from February 2016)
09.00 to 10.00 UTC  on 6045 & 9485 KHz  Tom Taylor & Tony Currie Mail Box (March 2016)
19.00 to 19.30 UTC  on 6070 KHz              Tony Currie Mail (March 2016)
EMR Internet Repeats on 20th of March 2016:
EMR will have this months Transmission via two streams running at the following Times:16.00, 18.00, 20.00 UTC will be on 96 kbps /44 KHz stereo for normal listening will be 24 kbps / 22 KHz mono will be especially for low bandwidth like mobile phones.

FRS-Holland on 20th of March:
From 08:52 UTC on 9300 & 7700 kHz throughout the day and 6070 kHz in the afternoon -

Atlantic 2000 on 20th of March:
 0900 to 1000 UTC on 7310 kHz --- 1200 to 1300 UTC on 6070 kHz --- 2000 to 2100 UTC on 6070 kHz
also at the same time on our webstream via
Reports to :

Superclanradio on 20th of March::
0900 to 1000 UTC on 6070 KHz - email:

Sunday's HLR:
10.00 to 13.00 UTC on 9485 kHz - email:  Thank you!
HLR FM-DAB+ Program via the Internet :  Daily 24 h

Channel 292 are Transmitting every day and night with many Programmes on 6070 KHz

For outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands Web RX at

Good Listening!
73s,  Tom

European Music Radio: