
Monday, August 01, 2016

Special Event Station GB5RC-Radio Caroline, scheduled for August 5-8

Over the weekend of 5-8 August 2016, amateur radio operators from the Martello Tower Group will be running GB5RC, a special event station to celebrate offshore station Radio Caroline. Now an online service, Radio Caroline started as an offshore "pirate" station over five decades ago. The Martello Group will be operating live from the MV Ross Revenge, using verticals for 40m, 20m (adjustable to 17m), 15m (adjustable for 12m) and 10m upon the stern of the ship.  

SWL reports are welcome. Special QSL cards will be available via G6NHU or GB5RC. Direct reports may be sent to:

 Keith Maton, 41 Bemerton Gardens, Kirby Cross, Frinton-on-Sea, Essex CO13 0LQ, UK.
Return postage must be enclosed - an SASE for UK reports.
From outside the UK please enclose a self-addressed envelope plus 2 US dollars. No IRCs.  
Martello Tower Group  ( via DJM, MET, AR) 
(BDXC/Aug 2016/Alternative Airwaves)