
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Blog Logs

A sampling of station's broadcasting on shortwave. What are you hearing in your listening post. Contributions are always welcome at to the above email address. Best of DX your way !
Gayle Van Horn

All times UTC

Radio Nacional, Brasilia 11780 at 0220. Portuguese programming to sign-off. Additional monitoring as; 11780, at 1015. Sign-off on 6180//11780 kHz. (Iota Xavier, Brazil/HCDX)

Radio Clube do Pará, Belem, 4885, 2134-2145, Portuguese comments, SINPO 14321. Also 0717-0735 with Brazilian songs and Portuguese, comments. SINPO 24322. (Manuel Méndez/HCDX)
Additional Brazilian monitoring as; Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 5939.98, 0810-0823 with religious comments. Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 6135.1, 0727-0744 with religious songs and comments. Station ID as "Radio Aparecida". SINPO 14321. Radio Cançao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, 9674.8, 2105-2112 with religious comments and songs. SINPO 14321. Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 11815, 0925-0940, Brazilian songs, "6 y 27." SINPO 34433.  Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte 15190 at 1140-1202 with program comments and Brazilian songs. SINPO 14321. Also 0915-0933 with Brazilian songs and program "Trem Caipira." Station ID. SINPO 24322. (Méndez)

Alcaraván Radio, Puerto Lleras, 5910, 0707-0810. Spanish, religious comments by Martin Stendal, Latin American songs to station ID as, "Alcaraván Radio." SINPO 34433. La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 6010, 0715-0745 with Spanish, religious comments. SINPO 14321. (Méndez)

China National Radio on 11685 at 0303 via Baoji-Sifangshan. Tibetan Amdo progframming with lady announcer's talks. Poor transmission quality. SINPO 35332 (Xavier)

Dandal Kura 12050, tune-in at 1915. Announcer's conversation is presumed to be Kanuri, as listed in ISWBG Winter 2017 edition. Fair signal quality. Clandestine station Denge Kurdistane 7455 kHz at 1923 tune-in. Brief Kurdish announcement to Kurdish vocal music. (GVH)

EBC Radio Fana 6110. Tune-in 1850. Conversations among announcers. ISWBG Winter B16 edition, list languages at this time as Afar, Amharic, and ethnics to China Radio Internaitonal sign-on at 1900 on 6100eu 6110eu, 7245eu. Interval signal to sign-on ID and Russian newscast.(GVH)

Radio Oromiya 6030, 1904. Horn of Africa musical vocals at tune-in. ISWBG B16 winter edition, list languages as Amharic, English and Oromo. HOA music to 1909. Three minutes brief announcements, to HOA style music with vocals. SIO 323. (GVH) Amhara State Radio from Addis Ababa on 6090 at 0352. Amharic service with talks with fair signal and slight to moderate interference by Caribbean Beacon on 6090 English religious teachings. SINPO 33432 (Xavier).

Radio France International 9790, 11995, 13790, 15350 with French features from 1935 tune-in (possibly a sports commentary). Not heard on // 13695 or 17850 kHz. (R Pearson, FL) 9790, at 2058. Two announcer's with French comments to sign-off at 2059. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada)

RTA Algerienne via Issoudun, 11660. French announcements from 1805 to Arabic Qur'an 1819-1840. Arabic text to 1849, and Arabic music vocals to 1858. Poor copy but routine followed a news headlines style. Switched to 9870 kHz at 1900. No French news bulletin as listed, instead Arabic vocals to 1904, followed by French. Back to Arabic at 1913 with Qur'an. Freq 11660 fair-poor signal quality (SIO 232) 9810 SIO 323) Shifted to 9710 in Arabic at 1958. Arabic service still audible on 9710 at 2045 recheck (GVH).

RTA Algerienne 9810 Qur'an recitations at 2035 with CNR 1 China dominating the frequency. Poor signal noted. (Sellers)

Radio Guinea, Conakri on 9650 at 1020 with local vernacular talks to woman's comments and station ID. Transmission with slight interference by Voice of Korea on 9650kHz, at 1029 with interval signal and national anthem. SINPO 44433 (Xavier).

All India Radio via Bangalore in English on 13605 at 1048. Indian music to talks and station ID. Postal P.O Box quote and bits of song "Fernando." Time pips to sign-off for poor quality transmission. SINPO 35432. Noted on 13640 at 1937 via Bangalore, in Arabic. Arabic songs to announcer's talk to 1945 interval signal. French service from 1945 with ID and music. Good signal and fair modulation. SINPO 45433. All India Radio also noted on 15410 at 0115 via Panaji (Goa) in Thai language. Interval signal to announcer's talks and Indian music. Transmission barely audible and sometimes very poor. SINPO 25331 to 25332 (Xavier).

All India Radio via Gangtok (Sikkim) on 4835. Unusually good propagation, the best reception I have ever had here. Noted at 1508 with subcontinent music. Switch at 1512 switch over to audio feed from New Delhi, starting with tone. Singing ads in Hindi. Tone signal at 1515 before news in Hindi. (Ron Howard, CA/DX-India)

Radio Mali, Bamako, 5995 at 0718-0736 in French. Program comments and music. SINPO 14321. Radio Mali, Bamako, 9635 at *0759-0815. Tuning music to French station ID as "Içi Radio Mali emettant du Bamako ...." Program comments. SINPO 14321. (Méndez

Radio Medi 1, Nador on 9575 at 0135. Noted transmitter problems with text and sign-off. (Xavier).

New Zealand
Radio New Zealand International, Rangitaiki, in English. Audible on 15710 at 0400. Time pips to lady announcer's talks and station ID. Very poor signal. SINPO 25432, sometimes as 35432 (Xavier).

Saudi Arabia
Radio Saudi Gen Prgm 1, 9555//9870 Tune-in at 1835. Two male's Arabic conversation about Iran. Saudi Arabia, R Saudi Gen Prgm 2, 9580 kHz at 1845. Discussion with mentions of Yemen and Iraq. Fanfare intro music for program feature. Radio Saudi Holy Qur'an, 11820 from 1845 with Arabic recitations // 11925 and 11930. (S Write,MS)

ZBC Radio 11735 at 2030. Swahili service with announcer's two phone calls to local indigenous music. God signal quality. (Sellers) Noted on 6015 at 0334. Lady announcer's text, joined by male's concersation.  Transmission with interference as presumably jamming. SINPO 43332 (Xavier).

Voice of Turkey on 9650 at 0226. Spanish talks to newscast. Program "Las Fortalezas de Turquía": hoy, sobre la Fortaleza de Alania; Everything about a monument. "La Pregunta del Més" at 0237, and at 0240 Música Turca" program with good signal and modulation. SINPO 45544 (Xavier).

9955. Feb 21 at 2330, Hobart Radio International relay via WRMI Okeechobee, Florida on 9955 at 2330. English programming with ID and talks and music. Fair signal quality with SINPO 35433 (Xavier).