
Monday, March 13, 2017

From the Isle of Music and Uncle Bill's Melting Pot weekly schedules

From the Isle of Music, Week of March 13-18, 2017
This week, in the first of two parts, special guest Pablo Menéndez, leader of the current supergroup Mezcla and member of the past supergroup Grupo de Experimentación Sonora del ICAIC, converses with us in English about these groups (and, of course, we will have a lot of music). In Part 1, we discuss GESI, a group whose many important members profoundly influenced several genres of modern Cuban music from Nueva Trova to Cuban Jazz.
Three opportunities to listen via shortwave:
1. For the Americas and parts of Western Europe:
WBCQ, 7490 KHz, Tuesdays 0000-0100 UTC (Mondays 8pm-9pm EDT in the Americas)
2. For Europe and beyond,
Channel 292, 6070 KHz, Fridays 1100-1200 UTC (1200-1300 CET) and Saturdays 1200-1300 UTC (1300-1400 CET)

Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, Week of March 13-18, 2017
Episode 3 of Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, a musical variety program that features genres from A-Z, will air:
WBCQ the Planet, 7490 KHz, Thursday, March 16 from 2300-2330 UTC (7:00pm-7:30pm EDT in the Americas).
Brought to you by Tilford Productions, which also brings you From the Isle of Music.  (We aren't showing on the WBCQ website yet, but we'll be on.)  Check us out, and let us know what you think!   Episode 3 will have some St. Patrick's Day music for people who are doing the "Irish for a day" thing and a few other bits of fun.
(Tilford Productions)