
Friday, March 09, 2018

Board to review programming to Russia, China and Middle East

WASHINGTON - The Broadcasting Board of Governors will meet on March 14, at 1:00 pm at its Washington, D.C., headquarters.

In addition to board business, the Board will receive reports on the networks' efforts to counter violent extremism in Central Asia, to provide coverage of the upcoming Russian elections, and to expand distribution methods in Cuba.

The Board will hear about several new programs, including VOA's Plugged In with Greta van Susteren, as well as new Alhurra programs for audiences in the Middle East. The Board will also receive a report from the CEO and Director John F. Lansing on the networks' programming initiatives as they relate to the BBG's 2018-2022 Strategic Plan, which is focused on advancing the priorities in the President's National Security Strategy.

Members of the public may attend this meeting in person by registering here by 12:00 p.m. on March 13, 2018. Seating capacity is limited. The meeting will also be streamed