
Saturday, July 21, 2018

Hobbyists need a QSL Corner

Every radio hobbyist, whether a die-hard DXer, or a casual program listener, needs a QSL Corner. A place to organize cards and letters from your global listening. A special place can be a corner of the listening-post, your desktop, book shelve, book case or a converted space in a closet.

A QSL Corner should hold your collection and radio memorabilia. Large D-ring notebook binders, using top-loading document protectors (acid-free) are an excellent option for card or letter storage. Doing so protects the collection from direct sunlight, which will age your collection prematurely. Stay away from adhesive photo albums – that’s the death knell for your collection, as well as tacking your cards or pennants on the wall.  Initially, it looks great – however, sunlight and dust will be your undoing. A cork bulletin is an option if you prefer to display, especially for duplicate stickers or cards.

Consider too, there are stations that reply via postal mail. A stock of airmail envelopes is a must. A selection of postcards of interest from your area make great enclosures within your reception report. If enclosing mint postage to the country to use on their reply to you, get the latest price list of world mint postage stamps, as well as DX-related supplies from Bill Plum at

Make your own QSL Corner – the possibilities of organization are endless. Shortwave, utility, AM, FM or amateur radio - we all need a space. Do you have a special place to share with our global followers? Send your ideas or photos to the email address in the masthead.