
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Blog Logs

Thanks to our regular contributor, Harold Sellers. He shares with our blog readers, his latest from Vernon, British Columbia, Canada. 

Do you have radio logs you'd like to share with other radio hobbyist ? Your logs and radio-related information are welcome, to the email address in the above masthead.

Listening in my car, parked overlooking Kalamalka Lake. CommRadio CR-1a and Sony AN-1 whip antenna.

All times UTC

RNZI QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection)
13840 New Zealand, RNZI at 0224 discussing the earthquake on Lombok. Very good

7780 USA Radio Prague via WRMI relay at 0231, man with news. Good

11560 India, All India Radio at 0240 with Hindi songs, listed as a broadcast in Pashto. Poor

7375 Romania, Radio Romania International at 0300 with sign on, into news.

9395 USA Radio Prague via WRMI relay at 0302, woman with news. Excellent

6185 Mexico, Radio Educacion (?) at 0307.  Somewhere — but I can’t find it now — I read a report that a flood in their building had knocked Radio Education off the air, but there was a weak 
station in Spanish here tonight.  Hopefully them, back on.

6080 Botswana, Voice of America relay at 0309 with news, African-accented announcer. Fair

6070 Canada, CFRX, Toronto at 0330 with Newstalk 10-10 ID and into “The Best of Rush”.   
5925 Botswana, Voice of America relay at 0333, political discussion about Iran and Turkey. //6080. Poor with interference from 5920

9395 USA Radio Slovakia International via WRMI relay at 0344, talking about Slovaks who have returned home from living abroad.

QSL via Gayle Van Horn Collection)
11650 Clandestine, Radio Tamazuj presumed via Madagascar relay at 0353 with talks by man and woman, sometimes sound bridges, to 0357 sign-off. May be Arabic or Sudanese Arabic.
Sign off listed as 0430.   

11980 Turkey, Voice of Turkey at 0358 signing on with music and announcements in language, 0400 time pips, more announcements, 0401 news. Listed as Turkish.

11995 Madagascar, BBC relay at 0402 in Somali with news.

11620 Clandestine-Eye Radio via Madagascar relay at 0406 in Sudanese Arabic. Talks, announcements, some sounded to be in local languages, heard mention of a website, mentions of Sudan and Juba. At 0425 began English with “Eye Radio” promo, followed by “Hello and welcome to our weekly program…”, woman talking about South Sudan. - Fair through noise.