
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Radio in the Cloud: The Next Virtual Frontier ?

The role of cloud-based services depends on a broadcaster’s unique needs and the services available
Clark Novak, 16 Oct. 2018

The author is radio marketing specialist for Lawo AG

If you think about it, broadcasting and IT are nearly twins. They’re both about communication and information. And lately, they’ve been moving even closer.

In 2005, studios using switched Ethernet for audio transport were exotic; now AoIP is commonplace. PCs supply the lion’s share of most stations’ daily audio, editing is performed on laptops and workstations, and even mixing consoles can be “virtual.” It’s fair to say that today, most radio engineers’ daily routines involve as much IT activity as RF — maybe more. Now, broadcasters are buzzing about the possibilities of another IT technology: “The cloud.”

What is 'The Cloud'

To read more of the article, go to:

Work Flows in the Cloud: A Hevenly Solution for Broadcasters: