
Sunday, December 23, 2018

Radio Vatican Christmas programming

There will be a special broadcasts on shortwave from Radio Vaticana (Vatican News) n the following schedule:

December 24th 
1600-1650 UTC  Holy Mass in Chinese  6055 and 7400 kHz

December 24th  2025-2230 UTC 
Holy Mass presided by Pope Francis with comments:  Arabic 7435   Portuguese 9700   French 7365  English 6010  Chinese 6185 & 7410 kHz

December 25th
 1055-1130 UTC  Urbi & Orbi blessings with comments: Arabic 15595  Portuguese 17590  French 15585  English 15695 kHz
(Christian Ghibaudo, Nice, Frane/HCDX)
(photo: CNS)