
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency

SDR locations as indicated

ABC Brisbane
612 MW, 1755. ABC/Brisbane. Overnight program feature health concerns over pesticides. ABC newscast. ABC/Melbourne 621 MW, 1803 with national news // 774 MW (with two-second audio delay). Sports and weather updates. ABC/Perth 720 MW, 1830 with market news during local Perth morning broadcast. (Collie W.A. SDR/Melbourne SDR/Perth SDR)

5055 kHz, 1948. Radio 4KZ Innisfail QLD. Pop music in progress at tune-in. Aussie announcer’s music chat, followed by Elton John music. (Newcastle, NSW SDR)

screen capture-VO Broad Masses-Prgm 1
7140 kHz, 1510. Voice of the Broad Masses-Prgm 1. Services listed as Kunama/Tigrinya. Fair signal for Horn of Africa vocal music to 1530. Announcer’s program items and talk, back to HOA music. (Kerala, India SDR). Shift to Qatar SDR with greatly improved signal. Format continued of HOA music and announcer’s chat.

6090 kHz, 1825. Amhara Radio. Ethiopian music vocals to 1832. News script including reference to station at 1836. Presume Amharic service. (Qatar SDR)

5950 kHz, 1805, Voice of Tigray Revolution. Services listed as Afar/Tigrinya, covering announcer talk, station reference to HOA vocals. Fair signal quality. (Qatar SDR)

5940 kHz, 1905. Ethiopian Somali Reg State Radio. Somali service including Horn of Africa music and two announcer’s conversation. Battling with Voice of Turkey’s German service on 5940 kHz. (Qatar SDR)

6110 kHz, 1815. Fana BC. Services listed as Oromo/Somali. Ethiopian music interspersed with talk, and speech audio bits. Fair-poor signal during presumed newscast. Fanfare signal introduces interview.(Qatar SDR)

11885 kHz, 1820. KNLS World Voice. Russian script to English pop-style tune to 1827. Russian service continued with religious text. Russian on 9690, 1900-2000. (Qatar SDR)

1413 MW, 1700. BBC World Service relay. English service with world news. Station features to BBC ID. English service to 2100. (Pakistan SDR)
(GVH-Global Radio Guide 2018-2019 Winter)