
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency
Stations monitored 13 August 2019
Logs and information welcome at:

CRI QSL - Tai Ho Hall (Gayle Van Horn Collection)
China Radio International 7440. Chinese service 1335 tune-in for program segment on China (mentioning cities) interspersed with Chinese flute music. Barely audible on // 9540. SIO 222. English service from 1340 on 9730 (SIO 444). Program on Chairman Mao. Very poor quality on // 9870, 11660, 13670, 15590 kHz. Esperanto service 1345-1400 on 9440, and 11650 to Europe. Hindi service 1347-1400, 11675 to Asia. Mongolian service 7285, 1350-1357. (Nanning, China SDR)

DengĂȘ Welat/Voice of the Homeland, 11530 via Moldova relay to the Middle East. Tune-in 1030 with Kurdish conversations to 1040. Fanfare intro to Turkish vocal folk music tunes to 1059. News script and reports 1100-1145 tune-out. Fanfare music to report items. Moldova relay schedule 0600-1500. Fair signal SIO 333. Website with two second, streaming audio delay Issoudun, France relay schedule 1500-0600. (France SDR) Recheck 11530 kHz for via Issodun relay at 1755. Kurdish news format from 1800. Schedule to 2100. (NLD SDR). 

Echo of Hope/VOH, 9950, 1158 two male's Korean conversation to 1200. Fair signal in the clear with parallel 3985 (fair,under jammer) 4885 (good) 5995 (fair, under jammer) 6250 (jammed) 6350 (fair, under jammer). Lady announcer 1205 including clear mention of "VOH" and Asian instrumentals. WRTH notes station is operated by the South Korean National Intelligence Service (NIS)targeting North Korea.(NangJing, China SDR)

Dandal Kura Radio International 11830 (Issoudun, France relay). Kanuri news script in progress from 1802-1806. Horn of Africa music briefs to clear station ID at 1809 into vocal tunes. Programming is targeted to Nigeria to 1900. Website:

Radio Ergo, 17845. Very poor signal, monitored 1210-1235 via UAE relay in presumed Somali text. Signal's intermittent peaks assist monitoring. Programming targeted to Somalia. Website audio on-demand (Qatar SDR)

Radio Sana'a 11860, 1220-1240. Good signal for continuous Arabic vocal repititive recitations (not Qur'an). Programming presumed to be via Saudi Arabian transmitter, targeting Yemen. (SIO 443). (Qatar SDR)

Voice of the People 3480, 1245-1255. Two male's Korean text to Asian tune 1247,  // 3910, 3990 poor under jammer) // 4450, 6520, 6600 barely audible under jammers. Schedule 0500-2300, operated by South Korean National Intelligence Service (NIS), targeting North Korea. (NangJing, China SDR).

Musicians at All India Radio
AIR New Delhi/Vividh Bharati 9380. Hindi service with vocals 1322-1324 followed by sitar music to 1428. Intros to Indian music and radio drama reading format at 1430. Fair signal 333 (Delhi India SDR).

AIR Thiruvanthapuram 5010 at 1433 male's acapella singing  (Carnatic vocals ?) to 1441. Hindi text resumed to 1455. Musical bridge to top-of-the-hour segments between Indian musical interludes. At 1459 in English, "good evening this is All India Radio at 9:00.". National news and sports headlines, followed by news items. ID break at 1536 "this is All India Radio with the news." News continues amid signal fading with news on Indian Foreign Ministers, correspondent reports, and water shortages at critical levels. Observed fading to 1544. English headlines repeated, into Hindi at 1545. (SDR).

AIR Gangtok (Sikkim) 4835 from 1512 with Hindi text and vocals. DRM interference is mixing on this frequency. Signal very weak as programming continues past, and battling with DRM interference. More Hindi items 1525.(New Delhi, India SDR) Rechecked 1546, sounds like // Hindi programming that was on AIR Thiruvanthapura on 5010. Schedule to 1700 UTC.(SDR)

RTM Sarawak-WAI FM (Kajang)
RTM Sarawak-WAI FM (Kajang) 11665, 1245 tune-in to male/female friendly banter in Malay. Listener phone-in segments from 1248. Info on "programming, Kajang studio and Kuala Lumpur" at 1259. Clear ID "WAI FM" at 1300, followed by fanfare music and "Nasional RTM" into newscript to 1306. Presumed world news from 1313 mentioning Australia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Philippines. Continued format to 1310 fanfare "RTM" 13:10, numerous mentions of "RTM, Kuala Lampur, WAI FM" and " WAI FM" jingle into Malay pop vocals. Repeat of "WAI FM" jingles, RTM website quote. Announcer's talk-segment into Malay pop vocals 1318-1322. Mentions of Kuala Lumpur, program announcements from "WAI FM" at 1323. Additional Malay pop vocal from 1324. Monitored station to 1325.Former 9835 kHz remain inactive. SIO 444 Streaming audio (Philippines SDR)

Sultanate of Oman Radio 9620. Middle Eastern music vocals 1815-1820. Arabic text to 1831. Arabic schedule to 2200. Website: (NLD SDR)
(Gayle Van Horn W4GVH/Global Radio Guide)
(Teak Publishing)