
Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Frequency Updates

All times UTC

Texas Radio Shortwave and Radio City via Channel 292

Texas Radio Shortwave from January 18,2020 until June 20, 2020 broadcast in English to Central Europe - 3rd Saturday at 0900-1000 on 6070 (ROB 010 kW / non-dir).

Radio City -The Station of the Cars from January 25, 2020
1100-1200 on 6070 6070 (ROB 010 kW / non-dir) 4th Saturday to Central Europe in German. This is as a replacement for the programs we used to transmit on the 4th Saturday of the month via Hamburger Lokalradio HLR on 6190 kHz:
1300-1400 on  6190  (GOH 001 kW / 230 deg) 4th Saturday to Central Europe in German CUSB.
(edited for clarity)
(DX Bulgaria 07 Jan 2020)

New time of Radio Onda ASBL via Margraten, Netherlands effective December 6, 2019
0000-1700 on 5940 kHz (MRT 001 kW / non-dir) Portuguese to Western Europe. (ex 24hrs)
(edited for clarity)
(DX Bulgaria 07 Jan 2020)

Listed in WRTH 2020 as;
Radio Onda, 6060 kHz 1600-2300 in English, French, Portuguese. Station inactive at time of publication, but due to air in the near future. Station is produced by the registered voluntary association 'Onda pour le dévelopement de la communication sociale et culturlle de la communauté Brésilienne en Belgigue."
(WRTH 2020)

French website listing 6060 kHz, streaming audio is not active.

United Kingdom
Changes of Encompass Digital Media Services (ENC-DMS) and BBCWS

TWR Africa
Effective: 01 January 2020
0330-0345 - 7245 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf Amharic Sat/Sun, ex Sat-Mon/Fri
0330-0345 - 7245 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf Oromo Tue, NO CHANGE
0330-0345 - 7245 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf Sidamo Thu, ex Wed/Thu

FEBA Radio
Effective: 01 January 2020
1615-1630 - 9540 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Guragena Mon-Wed, ex 1600-1630
1615-1630 - 9540 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Amharic  Thu-Sun, ex 1600-1630
1800-1830 - 6035 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Sat/Sun, ex Sun Jan.4

Effective: 06 January 2020
1900-2000 - 6150 DHA 250 kW / 255 deg to CEAf Arabic, ex 6145
2000-2100 - 6150 SLA 250 kW / 260 deg to CEAf Arabic, ex 6145
(DX Bulgaria 07 Jan 2020)