
Friday, September 04, 2020

Blog Logs

Monitoring from 01 - 03 September 2020. SDR's as indicated

All times UTC

Congo Republic
Radio Congo 6115 kHz. Tune-in from 1815 with ongoing French news interest items and jingles from two announcers. Conversations and PSA formats (Covid ?).  (SIO 434). (Jo'burg S Africa SDR)

Radio Erena signal
Radio Erena 9720 kHz, 1737 tune-in. Fair signal for programming to Eritrea via Bulgaria relay. Closing minutes of Arabic music, to announcer's clear station ID as "Radio Erena." Arabic text to 1748. Station's sign-off at 1800. (NLD SDR)

Denge Welat/VO Homeland on 11530 kHz. Kurdish text from 1745 including reference to station, monitored to 1758. Programming relayed via Issoudun, France. (NLD SDR)

Iran International TV 6270 kHz via Armenia relay. Farsi service observed from 1752. Intros with fanfares followed by interviews and possible PSA on Covid. (NLD SDR)

Radio Ndarason Radio Internationale 9775 kHz via Woofferton, U.K. relay, targeted to Nigeria. Clear sign-on at 1800 and station promotional, into news format. Schedule notes service as Kanuri. (NLD SDR)

DR Radio 243 LW, 1540. Loop of interval signal to 1544. Full Danish ID and "kilohertz" quote. Danish script for unknown text. (Vejby, Denmark SDR). Website  

OBN/Radio Oromia, 6030 kHz. (100 kW) from 1818 tune-in during an intro. Listed as Afar/Oromo services. Musical melody to fanfare intros. Signal fair-poor however able to note African highlife
vocals and ID routine 1830. Schedule to 2000 UTC. (Qatar SDR)

Voice of Tigray Revolution. 5950 kHz. Tune-in 1830 with jingle and station ID routine over fanfare intro. Talk and classic HOA music into Afro rap vocals (with echo-effect), and program intros. Service listed as Afar/Tigrinya, closing at 2000 UTC. (Qatar SDR)

HCJB Deutschland 3995 kHz, 1435-1510. German religious vocal hymns and Christian Praise music programs to 1510 tune-out. No ID or information break at 1500. Recheck 1735-1745 with German comments and brief religious reference, to musical format as monitored earlier. (Keil SDR)
Voice of Greece QSL

Voice of Greece 9420 kHz. Announcer's Greek text from 1447 tune-in. Musical interlude to lady's station ID into Greek music vocals to 1458. Time-tips to station ID, fanfare intro for special feature.
(Zakynthos Island, Greece SDR)

RTL R Luxembourg 234 kHz, 1315-1335. Mid-afternoon French talk-show. Promos, jingles, and ads/phone numbers to 1330. Station ID into correspondent's remote broadcast with audience participation. (NLD SDR)

Radio Nationale Malagasy 6135, 1335 tune-in. Lady's French talk, heard several references to "Nationale" and "Malagasy" at 1337. Musical riffs between French announcements. Conversations of local interest. Intro to program segment at 1349 into lady's Malagasy. Echo-effect PSA. Announcer's trade local interest briefs. French ad jingles to hip hop tunes from 13591404. Canned "Nationale" ID 1404 into French script. Schedule to 1500. SIO 343 (Jo'burg, S Africa SDR)


ORTM Mali 9635 kHz from 1420 tune-in. African ethnic vocals to 1425. Lady's French time check to more of same musical format to (fair signal with slight fading) (Sevilla, Spain SDR)

Sultanate of Oman
BBC WS Eastern Relay Station, 1413 kHz, 1748-1800. English service with closing bits of interview. Witness History program from 1749 discussing the popularity of The Walkman radio, how it was developed, music examples from artist that benefited from it's popularity. Big Ben bell tones at 1800 into BBC World Service identification and opening the Pashto service. (Qatar SDR)
(Gayle Van Horn/Teak Publishing)