
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

QSLing Tips for Ecuador and Germany

From the January issue of BDXC- DX News-Shortwave, Dave Kenny reports the following:

Like last winter, we are broadcasting the DX program from Horst Wiese, from the working group Radio HCJB eV Germany (Vozandes Media, Ecuador). Broadcast times are on Saturday at 0400-0500 UTC on 6050 kHz.

Please send reception reports to Unfortunately, the Ecuadorian state stopped the mail three months ago - a 179-year-old state company. No investor was found to take over
the ailing institution.

Therefore, we can only confirm by email or post (QSL scanned) from Germany. A QSL response directly from Ecuador would cost 90 U.S. dollars. 
Kind regards from Ecuador
Horst Rosiak
(HCJB Quito via Thomas Schweder/BDXC)

ShortwaveRadio (3975, 6160 kHz) is now offering printed QSLs. Chris Ise writes; "Get it the old way-printed QSLs at SHortwaveRadio." Thanks to our new QSL Manager, Mario, we now offer printed QSL cards for reception reports arriving via post only, sent to:
ShortwaveRadio, c/o World Wide DX Club, P.O. Box 1214, D-61282 Bad Homburg, Germany. 

QSL Policy: At least 30 minutes og programming details including comments to the program.Minimum three Euro return postage cash or via PayPal or direct to the bank account of our support group at: 
"Freundeskreis Shortwaveradio" IBAN: DE82 5186 1806 0000 0025 77, BIC:GENODE51OBM to cover the coast.
Tune in and enjoy!
(Chris Ise/ShortwaveRadio)