
Monday, March 08, 2021

Hot-Spot Monitoring: Haiti Protest Escalate for Latest Power Struggle


Mass protests on February 28 were the largest this year demanding President Jovenel Moise’s departure. Reginald Louissaint Jr

Jeanty Junior Augustin/Reuters
By Amelia Cheatham, Author and Sabine Baumgartner, Photo Editor

Protests have escalated across Haiti this year amid a dispute over whether President Jovenel Moise is governing beyond his term limit. Public discontent is a regular feature of life in the Caribbean’s poorest country. In the latter half of 2020, it saw an average of eighty-four demonstrations each month, according to the United Nations. The current protests, many in the capital of Port-au-Prince, signal a deeper and potentially more dangerous political crisis, experts say.

Active Haitian mediumwave stations;

Radio Lumiére, Port-au-Prince 660 kHz  
Radio Lumiére, Les Cayes 760 kHz
Radio 4VEH, Cap Haitien  840 kHz
Radio Ginen, Port-au-Prince

(photo AFP/Getty Images)