
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Texas Radio Shortwave, July and August program line-up


From the July edition of British DX Club, Listening Post column, Alan Roe shares the following: 

Texas Radio Shortwave (WRMI/Channel 292)
Texas Radio Shortwave will be facilitating a series of one-hour programs from nine European pirate/unlicensed stations in special programs to be aired via WRMI, USA. Cap’n Ric writes:

“As you can see on the attached schedule, we have a complete lineup of nine stations in nine weeks with widely divergent styles and music. We think that North American listeners are in for a treat as they'll hear two months of programs they may know nothing about and have little chance to hear with propagation conditions like they are.” Cap’n Ric had hoped to do something similar with specials from North American pirates over Channel 292, but unfortunately, none so far have taken up the offer.

24 Jul 0200 WRMI 5800 Special: Radio Monique International
25 Jul 0200 WBCQ 6160 Marcia Ball
31 Jul 0200 WRMI 5800 Special: CoolAm Radio

1 Aug 0100 WRMI 5950 Beto and the Fairlanes*
6 Aug 2300 Ch292 9670 Special Test for North America: Beto and the Fairlanes
7 Aug 0200 WRMI 5800 Special: Cupid Radio
14 Aug 0200 WRMI 5800 Special: Free Radio Service-Holland
21 Aug 0200 WRMI 5800 Special: Atlantic 2000 International
21 Aug 0800 Ch292 6070 Beto and the Fairlanes
21 Aug 1700 Ch292 3955 Beto and the Fairlanes
22 Aug 0200 WBCQ 6160 Beto and the Fairlanes
28 Aug 0200 WRMI 5800 Special: Radio Delta International
*This is repeated on WRMI every week until replaced by the next month's programme
(Alan Roe-Listening Post-BDXC/July 2021)