
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

World's Last Chance Radio, summer schedule update


USA, WBCQ - WLC Radio (World's Last Chance)

Complete summer schedule revisions

All times UTC/ broadcast daily 

0700-1000 13840 (af/me) Sofia, Bulgaria relay
1800-2100 9800 (af/me)  Woffertton, UK relay

0100-0600 9330 (na) WBCQ Monticello, ME
0900-1000 9330 (na) WBCQ Monticello, ME
1300-1900 9330 (na, eu) WBCQ Monticello, ME
1700-1900 17700 (af) Wofferton, UK relay

0800-0900 9330 (eu) WBCQ Monticello, ME

1900-2200 9330 (eu) WBCQ Monticello, ME

1100-1200 9330 (eu) WBCQ Monticello, ME
2200-0100 9330 (af, sa) WBCQ Monticello, ME

0600-0800 9330 (sa) WBCQ Monticello, ME
1000-1100 9330 (eu) WBCQ Monticello, ME
1200-1300 9330 (ca) WBCQ Monticello, ME

Target Areas:
af Africa
ca Central America
eu Europe
me Middle East
sa South Africa

The 500 kW Super Station transmitter on 9330 kHz at the WBCQ transmitter site, and used by WLC, is currently off the air awaiting repairs. WLC Radio is currently being broadcast from a lower power backup transmitter, resulting in lower signal strength and readability.
(WRTH 26 Jul 2021)