
Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Special annual NRD broadcast on 24 December 2021


NDR Info sends Christmas messages to seafarers all over the world on Christmas Eve 2021. Families and friends wish their loved ones at sea a happy holiday in the traditional program "Greetings on board"!

What would Christmas Eve be without the NDR Info program “Greetings on board”? It is a long tradition of the North German Broadcasting Corporation to greet seafarers on ships all over the world at Christmas.

Please send the greetings and audio greetings to by December 6th

Relays via  Austria, France, Germany, and Uzbekistan

Single-day broadcast to maritime people worldwide.

A special broadcast of NDR Hamburg "Gruss an Bord"  December 24, 2021

All times UTC

New time/new frequencies/new transmitters of NDR Christmas Gruss an Bord - Greetings on board in German via Media Broadcast on December 24, 2021:

All times UTC
1800-2100  6080 TAC (ex 6030/6155) (Uzbekistan relay)
1800-2100  9610 MOS (ex 9570/9675 ) (Austria relay) 
1800-2100  9740 NAU (ex 1900-2300 same (Germany relay)
1800-2100  9820 ISS (ex 9800/9590) (France relay) 
1800-2100   11650 NAU, ex 11650/9830 (Germany relay) 
1800-2100   15770*RMI, ex 6080/6145 (WRMI relay)
* instead of 15770 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to Northern Atlantic Supreme Master TV (WRMI relay) 
(DX Mix-Bulgaria/01 Dec)
(photo/SW Radio Archive Audio)