
Monday, June 20, 2022

Radio Pravda dlja Rossii schedule update


Radio Pravda dlja Rossii

Due (to) listeners' feedback and summer propagations on HF we increase our schedule to 13600 kHz (high power) and cancel 6070 kHz for the moment. Please take note off the attached broadcast schedule."

 9670 kHz Wednesday and Friday at 0500 UTC (low power) via Ch 292 Germany]

13600 kHz Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday at 1500 UTC (high power) [via ORS Moosbrunn, Austria, 100 kW at 55 degrees azimuth to zones 29 and 30, via ITU antenna #218 dipole curtain array, wb.]

(A. Pennington-UK/BDXC) 

12 June Twitter post as:
Full schedule per -at-Radio22_HF on Twitter today:

0500 UTC  9670 kHz (Mon Wed Fri)    (low power,   10 kW)
1500 UTC 13600 kHz (Tues Thurs Sat) (high power, 100 kW)
1900 UTC  6070 and 9670 kHz (Tues Thurs Sat Sun) (low power 10 kW)
(only 40 minute programs re DARC post below?)
(A. Pennington-UK/BDXC) June 12)

Uncensored radio for Russia
New short wave program for Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

Under the name "Radio Prawda dlja Rossii" started on the 09th April 2022 a new radio program specially for Russia. The targets of the broadcast are serious and uncensored reporting as well as unfiltered news for the Russian population.

Due to the increasing state censorship and administrative restrictions on the Internet as well as the satellite broadcasts in reporting about Russia, this program will be broadcasted again on short-term. It is available nationwide throughout Eastern Europe and Siberia.

This program was founded by engineers and journalists in collaboration with radio stations, which in part come from Russia and Ukraine. The journalists already have years of experience in renowned public broadcasting agencies.

That's about. The 40-minute program in the journal format is produced voluntarily in the spare time and is funded entirely from private donations. Although the first test broadcasts were only aired with low broadcast performance and were little known so far, the editorial office
received a large number of feedback from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

The desire was expressed to continue the broadcasts and please repeat it several times. The radio station considers this as a clear signal for the need for such uncensored news."
A. Pennington-U/BDXC) 18 June 2022-Top News 1508)