
Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Radio SE-TA and Music 4 Joy broadcasts in 2023


Radio SE-TA
On 4 May (Thursday) there will be a shortwave broadcast on 6115 kHz from 0800-1000 UTC.

The upcoming schedule for 2023 will broadcast on 1 July, and 7 October on 6115 kHz at the same time.

On 25 December the annual show "Musikalischer Frueh-schoppen" from 0900-1100 UTC via
MBR Nauen 6095 kHz. This will be repeated on 31 Dec from 0900-1100 on 6115 kHz. 

Other short broadcasts on 6115 kHz will be announced. (Bernd Seiser, via wwdxc BC-DX 28 Mar)

Music 4 Joy is a new transmission listed in the A23 Media Broadcast schedule as follows:
1300-1400 EAs 17670-nau TuTh (26Mar-30Jun) SuTuTh (1Jul-28Oct)
1800-1900 EAf 11790-nau TuTh (26Mar-30Jun) SuTuTh (1Jul-28Oct)
1830-1930 EuME 9755-nau TuTh (26Mar-30Jun) SuTuTh (1Jul-28Oct)
2000-2100 Af 9800-nau TuTh (26Mar-30Jun) SuTuTh (1Jul-28Oct)
The above broadcast appears to consist of non-stop electronic music with no announcements. Its
not clear who is behind this but it must be costing a fortune to hire several hours of airtime per
week via Nauen, Germany.
(BDXC Communications)