
Friday, May 12, 2023

Special broadcast Erifeler Radiotag


A special broadcast called Eifeler Radiotage will be heard on shortwave: May 12 – May 14, 2023, live from the bunker studio in the former temporary seat of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia in Kall-Urft in the Eifel region of Germany. 
(With thanks to Christian Milling via Gérard Koopal via

A Google translation from 

(Note that the original announcement is in local time, which has been converted to UTC below).

Friday, May 12, 2023:
  1400-1600: 3985 kHz
  1600-1900: 6005 kHz
  1900-2400: 3985 kHz
Saturday, May 13, 2023:
  0000-1600: 3985 kHz
  0600-1000: 6005 kHz
  1600-1900: 6005 kHz
  1900-2400: 3985 kHz
Sunday, May 14, 2023:
  0000-1600: 3985 kHz
  0600-1000: 6005 kHz

Transmitter location: Kall-Krekel, Germany


News every hour from 0800 to 1600 UTC

Friday, May 12, 2023
1405 | Ah, here we are! 
with Christian Milling
As early as May 2020 we wanted to go "on air" with the Eifeler Radiotage - then Corona came and postponed our broadcasting request year after year. But now it's finally time to say "Oh, here we are!". Our prelude to 50 hours of handmade bunker radio brings pop music, but easy on the ears and nerves!

1605 | Original and fake 
with Dagmar Fulle
"Twist And Shout" is by The Beatles, "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin and "Bette Davis Eyes" by Kim Carnes? Yes, yes. As well. But they are not originals. We dig up the sometimes completely unknown and unsuccessful original versions of big hits and, looking at it the other way round, we clarify the question of what the Baskerville dog has to do with Ozzy Osbourne.

2000 | Night music 
with Jürgen Kolb and Andreas Knedlik
No small, but big night music. Four hours of music only has an effect when the moon is in the night sky. Love songs, calm sounds, spherical sounds - and a bit of horror at the witching hour.

Saturday, May 13, 2023
0000 | Night Express 
with Markus Fischer
A humorous music program with hits from Europe and around the world. Car radio hits from the 70s and 80s and new music from today. For a trip in the car, on the train or in bed to dream.

0400 | Morgenexpress – A musical train journey 
with Erich Wartusch
A train journey across Europe. Musically, we only head for cities that can be reached by a direct connection. Transfer not allowed!

0600 | Record flea market 
with Alexander Täuschel and Tim Rebhan
Tim & Alexander serve and comment on exquisite, all too rarely heard pearls of pop history from 1975 to 1995.

0805 | Instrumental treasures 
with Hans Neuhaus
intros, film music, classics

1010 | Hits that weren't / O(h)ne hit wonder 
with Christian Milling
The melody is catchy, the song has hit potential. But it never really caught on with the audience or got lost in the lower places of the hit lists. Failed marketing or maybe too ahead of its time? Exactly: Hits that weren't.

1105 | The wonderful world of onomatopoeia 
with Christian Milling
Onomatopoeia, i.e. the “reproduction of natural sounds or similar. through tonally similar linguistic sounds” also found its way into various pieces of music. 55 minutes of wonderful things in the field of tension between "Da Da Da", "Ratatata", "Ugatschakkauguugaugatschakka", "Ding-Dong", "Schla-Ba-Di-Bab-Di-Ba" and "Di-Au-Au-Ohhhhh- Yeaaaah".

1205 | History of electronic music 
with Rudi Kauls
100 years of electronic music - a story with many music examples.

1405 | Professor Pop & Dr. Soul 
with Hans Neuhaus and Jost Alpe
Retro radio show with gems from music history

1605 | The ringing deletion list
with Ulrich Bessler and Martin Schlabs
Between ingenious and creepy: what strange "German original versions" of some well-known hits the listener had to withstand.

1805 | Music is in the air
with Peter Sturm
A selection that suits the cultivated evening hour. Whether it's the often misunderstood easy listening or swing and sweet, modern folk music, crooners, jazz ladies, trio jazz and and and... Let yourself be surprised and take two hours into bygone radio times!

2000 | Grand Prix nostalgia
with Markus Fischer and Erich Wartusch
While this year's “Grand Prix” at the Eurovision Song Contest is being sung about in Liverpool that evening, we take a tongue-in-cheek look at the successes and failures of the past years.

2200 | Night music
with Jürgen Kolb and Andreas Knedlik
No small, but big night music. Two hours of music only has an effect when the moon is in the night sky. Love songs, calm sounds, spherical sounds.

Sunday, May 14, 2023
0000 | Film music to dream
with Rainer Hagedorn
At a late hour, the Eifel Radio Days immerse themselves in the dream world of the cinema. You can hear fantastic music from the films in the James Bond series, the Inspector Clouseau films and the Fantomas trilogy. Unique and distinctive score by Henry Mancini, Jerry Goldsmith and Ennio Morricone. The matching images will appear automatically in your dreams.

0200 | Night express
with Markus Fischer
A moody music program with hits from Europe and around the world. Car radio hits from the 70s and 80s and new music from today. For a trip in the car, on the train or in bed to dream.

0400 | Radio alarm clock
with Hans Neuhaus and Jost Alpe
Information and entertainment on Sunday morning

0600 | Country breakfast
with Erich Wartusch
Sunday gets going with country music. It doesn't matter whether it's classics, bluegrass or songs from unusual country countries. Not only country fans get their money's worth in these two hours.

0805 | Uwe's Rockkiste
with Uwe Pagels
Hand-picked rock pearls and rarities from music history, compiled and commented on by music expert Uwe Pagels.

1105 | German lesson

1205 | Cuddling with Rudi
with Rudi Kauls

1305 | 80s treasure chest
with Alexander Täuschel
“Do you remember him?” With Alexander Täuschel, you will travel through the 80s and rediscover delicate finds from a brilliant musical decade.

1405 | Boogie box music
with Rainer Hagedorn
Whether it's big TV shows like "Dalli-Dalli" and "Wetten Dass", crime series like "The Streets of San Francisco" and "Miami Vice" or even family series like "The Denver Clan" and "The Waltons": you all had extremely distinctive signature music. A few bars of this music are often enough to immediately trigger memories of the program in question. At the Eifeler Radiotage there is a re-listening with the most beautiful recognition tunes from the boob tube. Without the picture, but in full length.

1600 | Closedown
(A Roe/BDXC via Christian Milling via Gérard Koopal via