
Thursday, June 15, 2023

Broadcasting Again After a Natural Disaster


By Jon Hill

After Super Typhoon Mawar slammed into Guam on May 24, listeners in far-flung countries who count on KTWR to bring them spiritually nourishing broadcasts found that their radios went silent.

Winds of at least 108 mph swept over the TWR shortwave station’s radio towers, damaging all five curtain antennas, two of them severely. Not knowing how long it would be before KTWR broadcasts would again reach those uncountable listeners across Asia, ministry staff hastened to contract with other outlets to temporarily carry some of the programmings. Other team members buckled down to repairs.

Amazingly, through the blessings of the Lord and the hard work of our skilled staff on Guam, a healthy portion of KTWR’s regular program schedule is already back on the air. One rough estimate indicated that a third or more of the station’s gospel broadcasts are going out again, including to countries of special concern such as North Korea and China.

TWR Vice President for Asia Daryl Renshaw said he is thankful both for the resumption of some of the broadcast ministry to North Korea and for TWR supporters who make the outreach possible.

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