
Monday, June 12, 2023

May edition of IARU Monitoring System newsletter


May edition of IARU Monitoring System Region 1
Among the usual annoying intrusions we have been receiving almost daily for years in our amateur bands, some have a "seasonal" behavior, surely due to propagation, schedules and other reasons: well-known, they come back every year, around the same time.
Examples of such intrusions are, for instance, those using A1A (CW) on 14108 kHz CF, transmitted by RUS MIL stations, which we have been receiving for years at this season, sending encrypted QTC almost daily on this frequency, which
suddenly disappear until another season, or until the next year.
The same seems to be true for other modes, such as the DPRK-FSK 600 ARQ (F1B. SH = 600 Hz. 600 Bd) and DPRK-PSK 1200 ARQ (PSK. BW = 1K20E), both from KRE, which we already started receiving last month, and which have been found
transmitting almost daily on 20 m, on 14098.5 kHz, 14198.5 kHz CF and 14298.5 kHz CF, as well as sporadically on other frequencies and bands (mostly on 15 m) during May

Follow the Interesting intercepts in the May edition of IARU Monitoring System newsletter at: