
Friday, July 28, 2023

Selected logs from NASWA Flasheet 1110, July 23, 2023


3310  BOLIVIA.  Radio  Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 2350 to 0010.  Quechua comments, no music ,weak signal.  10/11 July. (Wilkner - Fl)

3310  BOLIVIA.  R. Mosoj Chaski, 0053-0102.  a YL ancr talking to others via phone.  Some of the strongest signals yet from this station.  07/23. (Widner, Pa)

4885   BRASIL.  Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, PA, 2345  to 2358.  strong signal with music and chat.  10 July. (Wilkner - Fl)

4985  BRAZIL.  R Brasil Central, 0115,  audible with music 0115 under the utility station. (Widner, Pa)

9385  THAILAND.  R. Thailand - Ban Dung, *1200-1400*.  Opening with English, then 1230 Vietnamese, 1245 Mandarin, 1300 Japanese, 1315 Malay and 1330 English. The first day (July 21) on this NF (ex 9940). Finally moved away from 9940 to avoid India (until 1215) and Nippon no Kaze (1300-1330). Seems to be a good choice as it was hear

9470  ALGERIA.  Ifrikya Radio, 0349, 7-22-23.  Man speaking in listed Arabic then at 0352 a ME vocal by a male artist. Talk continues with a man and woman exchanging comments. Another vocal at 0357 to 0400. A woman speaking with what could have been an ID then joined by a man at 0401. Fair with noise and fading. (Cichorek-NJ)

9490  FRANCE.  NHK World Radio Japan, 0343, 7-22-23.  Woman speaking very slowly in Japanese then man speaking with piano background . At 0347 weird sound effect then laughter by man and woman. Could have been a radio play. Fair with noise. (Cichorek-NJ)

9580  ALASKA.  KNLS Anchor Point heard at 1151 on 7/19.  a man giving website and address in Russian and followed by a slow song at 1152.  Mostly fair.  (Brossell, WI).

9650  NORTH KOREA.  Voice of Korea – Pyongyang, 1100, 7.17.23 in Japanese.  IS, ID, DPRK NA, YL with ID and announcement, DPRK opera. Fair. (Taylor – WI)

9650  NORTH KOREA.  Voice of Korea, Kujang heard at 1130 on 7/17.  a woman speaking in Japanese and followed at 1132 by victory music.  Fair-to-poor.  (Brossell, WI).

12020  VIETNAM.  Voice of Vietnam – Son Tay (P), 1114, 7.17.23 in Japanese.  Woman announcer speaking at length.  Some kind of whirring / grinding sound under which sounds like a Ute.  Poor. // 9840, fair. (Taylor – WI)

13630 MALI China Radio International – Bamako, 2053-2130* Jul 21, pop vocals until 2100 when a man announcer gave the station ID over time pips followed by the news in the English language. After a few discussion features the English program ended with the French program opening shortly thereafter. Fair signal. (D’Angelo-PA)

13640  CHINA.  China Radio International in JJ to FE, July 22, 2023, 22-43 – 2250.  SIO 333. POP MX, YL announcer in JJ with a long monologue. (Henley, WA)