
Friday, August 18, 2023

Selected monitoring from NASWA Flasheet


All times UTC

3310  BOLIVIA.  R. Mosoj Chaski – Cochabamba, 1000.  Canned and live studio IDs with many mentions of Mosoj Chaski. Seemed to be in Quechua but with sprinklings of Spanish words. Then Bolivian songs with that distinctive Andean sound. An extended talk at 1009. Weak signal, Aug 13. (Wagner - AUS)

5035 USB  AUSTRALIA.  Unique R. Australia - Tamworth NSW. 1030.  After having reappeared in July and modulating on LSB, the month of August now sees this station using USB! What's the reason for the change? Still the same awful, tinny, lo-fi sound - not the way to attract dedicated music fans!! And still playing the usual prehistoric pops from the Jurassic period. Fair signal. At 1100, it moves to 3210 kHz for the remainder of the broadcast. Aug 13. (Wagner - AUS)

5909.95  COLOMBIA.  Alcaravan R. - Puerto Lleras, F/in 0645.  a weak signal and never became especially strong. Sentimental songs and occasional announcements. Aug 13. (Wagner - AUS)

5930  DENMARK.  World Music R, Bramming, 1425-1430, 13.8.  Announcer. in an unknown language, ID, pop song.  35343.  (AP - DNK)
5970  DENMARK.  R 208, Hvidovre, 1430-1445, 13.8.  English pop songs and music.  45444 // 1440 MW Ishøj (55555).  (AP - DNK)
5995  MALI.  Radio Television du Mali – Bamako, 2347-0002*, Aug 9. Nice program of tribal music hosted by a man announcer with French language talks. Fair signal but mixed with another (unidentified) station. (D’Angelo-PA)

7200  TAIWAN.  National Unity Broadcast Station in KK to North Korea, August 11, 2023, 1432 – 1438.  Clandestine / opposition. SIO 333. Likely broadcast from Tanshui, Taiwan. Mixed OM / YL announcers. POP MX. Heavy QRN / QSB. Audio distortion on the signal. (Henley, WA)
7260 VANUATU.  Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila with usual good signal at 0805 check, 8.13.23.  OM and YL in Bislama discussion. (Perry–Il)

9675  CHINA.  China Radio International in RR to FE, August 9, 2023, 1431 – 1441.  SIO 444. YL announcer with a long monologue in RR. Background MX, minor QRN / QSB. Another YL and OM join at 1434 and a three-way conversation follows. Long dialogue. Increasing QRN / QSB, some audio distortion on signal.   - 9675, China Radio International in RR to FE, August 10, 2023, 1449 – 1454.  SIO 444.  YL with a long monologue in RR. The listed target is FE. Minor QRN / QSB. CC MX follows. (Henley, WA)
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #111