
Monday, September 04, 2023

Monitoring from Canada

 Harold Sellers, Vernon, British Columbia, Canada

Listening at my DXing site outside of the city, with a CommRadio CR-1a and a Wellbrook ALA-1530LN loop

11710 KOREA, DPR Voice of Korea at 1308 in English, choir, man with news. - Poor-fair, //9435 good, Sep. 4

11590 UZBEKISTAN Bible Voice Broadcasting at 1312 in English, preacher, prayer, 1313 address for Christ Gospel in Indiana, back to preacher. - Poor, Sept. 4

11560 INDIA Akashvani at 1318, listed with Pashto, Hindi music. - Very poor, Sep. 4

9920 PHILIPPINES FEBC Radio at 1328, Koho language listed, hymn, 1329 man and woman with announcements, IS at 1330 and off. - Good, Sep. 4

9385 THAILAND Radio Thailand at 1330 in English, Thailand news, 1332 story on battery recycling. - Very Good, Sep. 4

7440 NEW ZEALAND RNZ Pacific at 1334 in Pijin with news and sports, 1335 “R-N-Z Pacific” ID, into news from Vanuatu. - Excellent, Sep. 4

7395 USA KNLS, Alaska at 1337 in Korean, man preaching. - Very good, Sep. 4

9840 VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam at 1348 in English, beginning story on one of Vietnam’s ethnic groups. - Fair, //12020 stronger but poor through splatter from ute station, Sep. 4

11665 MALAYSIA Wai FM at 1350 with Islamic singing until just past 1359, then into instrumental music, 1400 man with announcement, fanfare music, more talk, sounding like news bulletin, presumed Malay language, brief music and off abruptly at 1401. - Poor-fair, Sep. 4

15505 TAJIKISTAN Adventist World Radio at 1403 in English, man preaching about foundations of Christian faith. - Poor, Sep. 4

11815 JAPAN Radio Japan NHK World at 1406 in English, man with story about US arms abandoned in Afghanistan now a threat to regional security. - Very good, some co-channel QRM from presumed China, Sep. 4

13840 ARMENIA TWR India at 1420 in English, Christian songs and messages, 1444 closing announcements, IS and off at 1445, back in Urdu (listed). - Poor, Sep. 4

9585 ESWATINI Trans World Radio at 1453 starting repeated IS and English IDs “This is T-W-R, broadcasting from eSwatini”, 1455 music and sign-on in Malagasy, hymn music, male speaker. - Poor, but buried at 1457 by QRM from China signing on in Japanese, Sep. 4

11880 ESWATINI Trans World Radio at 1526 in Somali (listed), man speaking, 1526 into Somali song, 1527 closing announcements with contact info including TWR website, 1530 English ID and IS and off. - Poor, Sep. 4

21550 ALGERIA presumed Ifrikya FM at 1533, Arabic, man speaking, sounding like a speech or commentary. - Poor, Sep. 4

17605 VATICAN Radio Tamazuj at 1535 in Sudanese, woman with possible news, mentions of Sudan, an on location report in English. - Good, Sep. 4

17725 AUSTRIA Adventist World Radio at 1548 in Punjabi with songs to 1556 woman with prayer, 1557 Adventist Radio mention, closing announcements. - Fair, Sep. 4

21630 ASCENSION BBC World Service at 1601 fading in and out, in English with news. - Very poor, Sep. 4