
Sunday, February 18, 2024

Could Radio Pakistan return to the airways?

Radio Pakistan QSL from the Gayle Van Horn QSL Collection

Efforts underway for revival, financial stability of Radio Pakistan: PBC DG

KARACHI  -  Pakistan Broadcasting Corpora­tion (PBC) Director General (DG) Saeed Ahmed Sheikh, Tuesday, said that efforts were underway for the revival of past glory of Radio Pakistan and for resolving finan­cial issues of the corporation.

He was speaking during the visit of New Broadcasting House PBC Karachi on the occasion of World Radio Day being observed on February 13. Station Director PBC Karachi Mehboob Sultan, Deputy Controller News Malahat Soulat, DC Engineering Imranu­lah Khan, DC Admin Arbab Ali Rahujo, other officers, and staff members were also present at the occasion. The DG said that to make the corporation financially viable a new business plan has been envisaged and it will be pre­sented in the next meeting of the Board of Directors of PBC for approval.