
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Radio New Zealand to sell off Auckland land to pay for AM radio network


Jonathan Killick
Radio New Zealand (RNZ) is looking for a buyer for a block of land it owns in West Auckland to plug a financial hole and keep broadcast on the AM spectrum alive, at least for now.

The 7.4ha block in Henderson, metres away from the Lincoln Rd off-ramp, is home to a long-standing red and white transmission tower.

When RNZ’s predecessor bought the land in 1934 it was a rural pasture, but it has long since been enveloped by urban sprawl. It has grown to a rateable value of $6 million.

But, while the value of the land has continued to increase, the cost of the ageing AM transmission network has become a burden on the broadcaster.

Chief technology and operations officer Mark Bullen said RNZ was looking at having to spend up to $13 million across the whole network to keep it going.

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