
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A second look at ... How Not to Build a Transmitter Site


Looking over my radio news archives from this summer, I discovered this gem of an article that bears repeating
(Gayle Van Horn)

How Not to Build a Transmitter Site - “Failing to plan” is “planning to fail”

By Michael Baldauf 
Published: June 5, 2024

Working with small stations and groups, an engineer may take on certain tasks beyond the expectations faced by someone at a larger company with more resources. 

To paraphrase the classic police drama, the story you’re about to hear is true. The names have been changed to protect … well, everyone.

In early 2021 I was contacted by the manager of a small group seeking help with a project. It involved an AM transmitter building that is near my home but 600 miles from the company’s headquarters.

Years ago this station’s studio and transmitter had been installed in a house on a bluff, while the antenna was placed along a river bottom directly below. 

The house was later sold off though, and now the transmitter “building” was a small shed in the backyard while its AM tower and FM translator antenna remained below.

(Radio World)

Additional article at;