
Friday, August 09, 2024

Blog Logs, August 2024

 Welcome to the August 2024 edition of Blog Logs. Thank you for your emails and for following the postings at the Shortwave Central blog and X/Twitter at Shortwave Central @QSLRptMT. 

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Thank you to the new and regular contributors. Your monitoring observations are always welcome!

Language services as indicated.
// denotes station heard on a parallel frequency
*Sign-on Sign-Off*/ frequencies kHz
Monitored 15 July – 08 August 2024

All times UTC

530, Somos Radio, El Libertador in Spanish at 0227. Commentary on politics in Argentina. SINPO 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, Brazil)
1040, Radio Capital, Santa Rosa, La Pampa. Spanish at 0255. Pop songs, comments to mentions of ‘en Argentina.’ SINPO 15421. (Grimm).

1566, Trans World Radio at 0400 sign-on with ID and information. Religious praise music and sermon text in listed Twi language. (Van Horn/Kiwi Ethiopia) 

800, TWR Bonaire 0110-0125. Spanish praise music to station promos and testimonials. Web address and station ID (Van Horn/Airspy) 

Brazil (Portuguese)
820, Rádio Cultura, Foz do Iguacu PR, 0219. Brazilian songs and jingle for ‘Cultura.’ SINPO 34543 (Grimm)
820, Rádio Jauense, Jaú, SP. “Identificacion…aqui pela Rádio Jauense” at 2149. SINPO 35543 (Grimm).
1080, Rádio Deus é Amor, Juiz de For a, MG at 2001. Christian programming and mentions of Juiz de For a to prayer. “Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor.” SINPO 35553. Excellent signal (Grimm).
870 Rádio São Francisco, São Francisco do Sul SC at 2145. Transmitting 840 Rádio Bandeirantes, São Paulo, sport broadcast. Station time pips at 2145. SINPO 23542 (Grimm).
1390, Rádio Esperanca, Porta Alegre, RS at 0232. Christian programming and music. SINPO 34543. Website streaming checked for programming. (Grimm).

1431, Voice of America relay. English from 1830 tune-in to French at 1835 with ID’s and news headlines. Schedule 1600-0300. Radio Djibouti 1820-1830 in listed Somali talk on 1116 // 1539 with African music vocals. (Van Horn/Kiwi Cyprus).

1557, IRIB Radio Iran 1900-1930. Arabic text, fanfare intros to Arabic music program. Heard on // 1566, 1404, 1224. (Van Horn/Kiwi Qatar) 

963, Radio Kuwait-Multilingual Channel in Arabic 2245-2255. Parallel freq 1134 is the best signal for the Main Arabic program. Classical Arab Music channel on 1269 with format as noted. Sked is 24 hours (Van Horn/Kiwi/Qatar)

1278, Radio Sultanate of Oman, Seela, 2235-2345. Arabic conversations heard on // 576, 639, 738 and 1242. Station schedule 24 hours. SINPO for all freqs 44344. (Van Horn/Kiwi Qatar)

680, Radio Caritas, ?emby. Spanish at 0223 with comments for SINPO 23542. Streaming check matches programming. (Grimm)
1250, RCC Radio, Asunción. Spanish at 2118 with comments to “Paraguay…nuestras familias” SINPO 24532, checked by station steaming audio (Grimm).

1467, Trans World Radio Europe 2032-2045. Arabic presumed religious text. Good signal for fanfare intros and features (Van Horn/NLD Twente).

Saudi Arabia
1449, SBA-Radio Riyadh 2225-2235. Arabic programming including traditional Arabic music (sked 24-hours) noted on // 549, 594, 612, 648, 675, 945, 1071 and 1260. (Van Horn/Kiwi/Qatar)

Euro Free Radio 
5940, Free Radio Service Holland 1858-1914. Summer Splash special broadcast with station IDs, music from U2, Euro pops and music from the Summer of Love. QSL card and website info to postal address. Super Tramp’s Hide in Your Self. tune Signal abruptly cut at 1914. SINPO 34434 (Van Horn/NLD Twente).

Screen capture by Paul Walker

15105, Cupid Radio Shortwave 1847. Great image as Cupid uses 500 watts into a 3-element beam antenna, pointed in the general direction of the northern USA and southern Canada at the time. I use a TEF6686, DX Engineering Preamp, EmTech Zm2 antenna tuner and a Wellbrook loop. (Tony Pavik, BC Canada) 

17600, Radio Ifrikiya FM 1850-1915. Two males trade Arabic news topics with correspondent’s fill-ins. Station ID, mention of Facebook, contact info, promos to Arabic pop vocals. Time tips 1859 into French service. SINPO 43444. (Van Horn/Kiwi Qatar) 

11900, Reach Beyond Australia at 1343. Punjabi service with contact info at 1345, followed by Oriya service. Fair signal quality (Harold Sellers, BC, Canada). 11875, 1200-1210.Sign-on with Kookaburra and English ID in the Matu Chi language, followed by long talk for fair signal quality (Pavik). Japanese service on 17650 at 2150. Christian programs to instrumental music. SINPO 35543 to Japan (Grimm). 11900, 1259-1315 (Pavik). 

3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 2343-2352. Quechua comments on programming. SINPO 15422; Heard 0028-0036 on 3310 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain). Very weak signal at 2335 to 2350 and at 0910 with poor modulation (Paul Walker, AK).

6145, Radio Betania (tentative) Possible relay over Radio Juan XXIII, Santa Cruz 0930-0950. ID noted FM station “Radio Betania 93.7” to religious music. (Van Horn/AirSpy)

4930, Voice of America relay via Selebi-Phikwe. English at 0304 with VOA News. SINPO 35443 to East Africa (Grimm). 

Brazil (Portuguese)
6150, Rádio Saturno, Belo Horizonte 0457-0610. Brazilian pop tunes to station ID and address. SINPO 25422 (Méndez,) 0230-0240 on 6150.  Station ID’s, freq info into Braz pops (Van Horn/AirSpy)

11750, Rádio Voz Missionária 0630. Religious programming with good signal quality. Observed a hum interference on this channel, only present when Brazil is on (Walker). Heard 0300-0315 with the announcer’s phone interview (Pavik).

11815, Rádio Brasil Central, 0418. Portuguese/English music from 1980’s/1990’s. SINPO 45554.One of the better signals I’ve heard from this 7.5kW station with nice steady clean signal to the point I have my audio filter in my radio opened up to 6kkHz. (Walker) Heard on 4985, 0520-0533 (Méndez).

15190, Rádio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte 2006-2028. Brazilian music and comments for program A Hora do Fazendeiro. SINPO 25422 (Méndez) 

11430, New Star Broadcasting Station V13, 1259. Located in Taiwan and listed as a Taiwanese number station. You can clearly hear the flute interval signal at 11 seconds into programming (Tony Pavik, BC Canada). V13 noted in Mandarin, listed as 7502, 7688, 8169, 8300, 9276, 13974, 1494415890, 18040, 20025, 20095 kHz. (Van Horn).

11785, China National Radio 1200-1205. Chinese for ads format to 1200. Time check (Beijing time 2000), ads for air conditioners, energy drinks, and China Telecom. Station ID at 1202 into the children’s program (Pavik). 

7415, China Radio Int’l 2125-2129.  English service feature on the history of transportation. SIO 333 // 11640 via Bamako, Mali relay. Off at 2129. Noted on 7205 // 7325 in English with a promo for the Technology Report and Learning Chinese (Frank Hilton, SC) 

6035, Yunnan Radio Int’l 1230-1315. Traditional music as opposed to Chi-Pop. Time pips at 1300, format 5+1, that sounded like those heard on CNR-1. Signal fair to poor (Pavik). 

6520, Voice of the People (South Korea) 1100-1105. Korean sign-on // 6600. North Korean jammer on frequency. Audible 6600, 1059-1105 in Korean. Jamming patterns observed // 6520 at 1100. Jamming see-saw/alternate with the short plusses on the plus side. By flipping to AM and not SAM/DSB, I was able to clear the signal up a bit (Pavik) 

11640, Radio Dabanga via Talata-Volondry. Dari service logged at 1715. Comments and “Radi Dabanga” ID. SINPO 35553 to Africa and Asia (Grimm).

12045, Nippon no Kaze via Tashkent, Uzbekistan 1300-1315. Korean program discussing denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. (Pavik).

21595, Radio Ergo via Al-Dhabbiya, United Arab Emirates in Somali. Heard at 1240 with text and phone calls. SINPO 25552 to Africa and Asia (Grimm).  

6016.8 Organización Radial El Prado 0436-0459*. Colombian music to time check “11 de la noche y 49 minutos, 11 y 49.” Additional music to the national anthem and 0459 sign-off ((Méndez,)

5025 Radio Rebelde 0959 to 1015, Spanish speech, perhaps Castro, leading up to a speech by a woman. "Tweedle" top-of-the-hour sounder to intros for programming. News at 1002 with “buenos dias Cubanos to newscast to 1006. Brief classical music to 1007. Another rousing speech at 1009 ending in long station ID. Fair to good (Pavik).  

10345, HM01, 0700. Spanish numbers segment to tones and digital burst. Initially not strong enough to decode portions but at 0758 on 10345 signal able to decode (Pavik).

5970, Radio 208 2017-2035 via Hillerod. Euro-pop vocals including tunes from Moody Blues, The Smiths and the Beatles, to station ID and promos. (Van Horn/NLD Twente). World Music Radio via Bramming 5930, 1958-2025 with English and Brazilian songs to “World Music Radio” ID (Méndez). 

6030, Radio Oromia, Geja 1815-1830. Amharic conversations. Presentation of a ‘radio-drama’ style format that included farm animal sound effects. Station sked 1530-2100. Amhara Radio via Geja on 6090 with Amharic text at tune-in to news script and conversations. Radio Fana, Geja 1835-1850. Announcer’s ‘echo effect’ announcements to Ethiopian music. (Kiwi/Cyprus).

11690, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat 0507-0655. Monthly broadcast with Finnish comments to English pop songs and station ID. SINPO 25422. Audible 1945-2052 on 11720.

13740, Radio France Int’l via Issoudun 1945-2000. French discussion on Paris Olympics with interviews. French Euro pops to magazine-style programming. Shift to 9790 at 1958 with ID. (Sam Wright, MS).11790, 0430-0459. Swahili service with ID, fanfare and correspondent’s reporting (Tony Pavik, BC Canada). 

15275, Deutsche Welle relay 1655 in Amharic. Program targeted to Ethiopia. Discussion with excessive fading. Suddenly just seconds before 1759UTC, the signal very quickly cascaded into a 21122 SINPO, and riddled with noise and unintelligible. (Walker) 

6180, Deutscher Wetterdienst 2000-2010. Located in Pinneberg in German for weather forecast, // 5905. Station part of National Meteorological Service with IDs included. (Van Horn/NLD Twente) Website: 

9320, KTWR Guam 1935-1945. Korean service of religious text and praise music at 1935. (Wright). My best DRM logging on 9910, 1214-1241 in Chinese. Sign-on 1215 into discussion to mention Luke 15:1. Heard on 12055, 1300-1315 in Kachin service. Poor signal (Pavik).

3325, Voice of Indonesia via Palangkaraya, Kalimantan (Borneo) 2040-2113. SINPO 43344. French service in progress at tune-in including pop music program and announcer’s chat. Station info, ID, address, website info and closing “au revoir” to listeners. Brief instrumental melody to English service, “Voice of Indonesia.” Broadcast info, station promo with freq info, ID and fanfare music. National and world news briefs to 2109 Be advised – the listed contact email at the VOI website bounced. (Van Horn/Kiwi Hong Kong).

9885, World Christian Broadcasting/KNLS. Russian service at 1820. Religious programming, old traditional tune and message. SINPO 35543. Programming targeted to Europe Also logged on 3650 at 1836 with religious programming. SINPO 35543 to Central Africa (Grimm).

6185, Radi Educación 0657. Great signal for SINPO 55555. Instrumental music program of jazz, classical, and piano selections. (Walker) 0451-0604 Spanish ID and music. SINPO 24422 (Méndez). 

4820, Radio Senda Cristiana at 0722. Fair amount of atmospheric noise and fading, but sounds like children singing. SINPO 45344 (Walker).

4775, Radio Tarma 2339-2356. Spanish comments to Peruvian music. Also heard 2329-2336 with comments about Peruvian athletes at the Paris Olympics. SINPO 25422 (Méndez,)

11805, Vatican Radio relay at 1249. Russian service ID to interval signal and off at 1250. Good signal. 11750 Chinese 1300-1310 with mass and hymns for poor signal (Pavik). 

7530, BBC relay in Korean with sign-on routine. 12095 FEBC at 1350 in Khmer language via listed schedule. Religious sermon to Christian music and off at 1400. (Sellers).
9275, FEBC Radio Liangyou, Bocaue. Chinese service at 0957. Interval signal, station ID, FEBC jingle. Christian programming for SINPO 35543 targeted to China. (Grimm). 

13860, Radio Romania Int’l via Tiganesti to Europe. Tune-in 1925 with classical music interspersed with Spanish text. SINPO 55455 (Walker). DRM on 15170 in Spanish at 2100. Interval signal to ID and news bulletin “Eurodeputados, Parlmento europea, Partido Republicano Donald Trump” SINPO 45554 to South America (Grimm). 

Solomon Islands
5020, SIBC at 0738. Classic country music song followed by island tune. First in long time for decent modulation that wasn’t covered by Rebelde. SINPO 55344 with good signal, with a bit of fading but very listenable (Walker). Noted on 5020 at 0945 with programming to Pacific Islands (Grimm). 

9385, Radio Thailand at 1200. English service including station sign-on, chimes/gong music and announcer’s station ID. Very poor signal. (Sellers). 

9875, Voice of Turkey 2103. Announcer’s English travelogue program to closing comments, “keep exploring the world around you.” Easy-listening instrumentals to Turkish music vocals (Wright). 

United Kingdom
17670, IBRA Media 1832. Arabic service via Encompass-Wofferton to Sudan target area. Religious style programming with a bit of fading. SINPO 54555(Walker). 

United States
9475, WTWW Lebanon, TN 2105-2200. Pastor’s text as part of Scriptures for America Worldwide. Station ID, freqs into classic sermon from Overcomer Ministries. (Wright).

15150, WMLK Bethel, PA 0400-0420. Station sign-on ID, address, operating hours, but no freqs mentioned. Non-stop sacred music to 0415. Elder Jacob O. Meyer text at 0415 for good signal (Pavik). 

15140, Voice of America in English 1755. Discussion on U.S. political race. SINPO 55454. Noted slight fading which causes the signal to dip for a split second. Amharic on 15660 at 1813 covering news and discussions (Walker). 

17530, Voice of America 1800-1815 via Greenville. Opening as “this is a VOA News in Washington. Announcer’s name (indistinct) with lead story on Israel/Gaza. Interview with Joseph Segal at the African Center for Strategic Studies at 1807 (Pavik).

7260, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila 0525-0644. Pacific Island music format to Bislama comments. SINPO 15421. Heard on 9960, 0519-0613 with IDs, island music and news. Interval signal (twice), and station comments. QRM from WRMI on 9955. SINPO 12421 (Méndez,) 3945 at 0754 in Bislama for a cooking show format, which considering background noise, may have been ‘live.’ (Walker).3945 with Bislama comments at 0935. SINPO 25442 (Grimm). Additional monitoring: 0719 on 7260, with adult contemporary music. (Walker).

Vatican City
11815, Radio Vaticana 0439-0459. Interval signal, station ID and lady’s Ukrainian news and reports. Announcer’s voice-overs to music to final station ID with interval signal at 0459 (Pavik). Portuguese service on 15565 at 1806 with station info, musical interlude and news style format. SINPO 55444 (Walker).

9840, Voice of Vietnam at 1331. English service with poor signal for news and ID. Fair signal for // 12020. (Sellers).11825, 1600-1610 English sign-on. Presumed news for very noisy signal (Pavik).

4965, Voice of Hope Africa via Lusaka at 2035. English religious programming and comments. SINPO 25432 to South Africa (Grimm). Monitored 2018-2029 (Méndez).