
Thursday, August 01, 2024

Texas Radio Shortwave to air August 4


Beginning August 4, Texas Radio Shortwave, will beam a monthly program to North America at 0100 UTC on 9670 kHz.  Transmissions will come from Channel 292, Rohrbach, Germany.

In November, the broadcast time will change to 0200 UTC.

TRSW offers a new specially designed verification every month to listeners who email correct, detailed reception reports to Reports from listeners using remote receivers (SDRs) are welcomed.

August 4, 2024
In addition to its regularly scheduled monthly broadcast beamed to North America on August 4, TRSW will test different beam headings on the other days to see if it can provide a good signal to a more significant part of the continent.
These broadcasts will come from Channel 292, Rohrbach, Germany, with 10 kW power into a 10.5 dB gain beam antenna.

As you can see, we use the heading “R” for our scheduled monthly broadcasts. This gets our signal into the Northeastern US, the upper Midwest, parts of Canada, and even Utah and BC.
We’re testing heading “P” to see how well it covers the East Coast and Mexico and heading “S” to see if it puts a good signal into the West Coast and Western Canada.
We think the solution could be headings “P” and “S” at the times shown in the schedule, but we need your help to confirm that.
If you can, we’d like you to use your home receiver and as many SDRs as possible in the target areas and provide SINPO readings (and maybe an audio clip or two). 
We know this will be a lot of work. 
Thank you for working with us to provide the best coverage for North American listeners.
New QSLs will be available for correct, detailed reception reports, including a SINPO or SIO rating.  If you try and don’t hear us, let us know, and we’ll send you a souvenir card, which will be a nice addition to your collection.   
Reports from listeners using remote receivers, called SDRs, are welcome.
Terry N5RTC
Austin, Texas USA