
Monday, September 02, 2024

Music Programs on Shortwave Update


Music Programmes on Shortwave (UPDATED) and VO America English Programme Grid (NEW).

An updated version (v4) of my "Music Programmes on Shortwave" PDF file for current A-24 broadcast season is now available to download from the permanent links below.

The programme schedules for Voice of America on their website programme are both incomplete and outdated. I have therefore now produced my own "at-a-glance" schedule of VOA English programmes on shortwave.

These are both available at the permanent link at:
or for short:

You will also find shortwave programme grids for BBC WS in English and CGTN Radio in English.
I hope that you find these of interest.
As always, I appreciate any updates or corrections.
(BDXC/Alan Roe, Teddington, UK)