
Monday, December 09, 2024

37th Edition of the Radio Broadcasting in Russian Handbook


A reminder to hobbyists that follow Russian broadcast

The 31st edition of the Broadcasting in Russian Handbook, published by the St. Petersburg DX Club, has been recently released.

The St. Petersburg DX Club has recently published the 37th edition of its 'Radio Broadcasting in Russian' handbook. This is the most comprehensive guide to Russian-language broadcasts on SW, MW and LW. The information is primarily valid until the end of March 2025, covering the B24 broadcasting season. The handbook is divided into four detailed sections: 
This section includes:  
- List of abbreviations and special terms used in the publication. 
- List of media outlets classified as foreign agents. 
- Updates on Russian-language broadcasting changes since the last edition. 
This part lists 52 stations from 33 countries and territories across five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, and Australia. The listings include:  
- Frequencies and program schedules.  
- Transmitter locations and power.  
- Target areas.  
- Contact details: postal addresses, phone/fax numbers, websites, social media (Facebook, VKontakte) and email addresses.  
- Stations’ QSL policies.
Similar to the SW/MW/LW Broadcasting section, this part focuses on 23 Internet radio stations from 19 countries and territories, including:  
- State broadcasters.  
- Former AM broadcasters now operating exclusively online.  
This section concludes the history of Trans World Radio and its significant contributions to global broadcasting.
Sample pages covering Vatican and partly the UK
Sample pages covering partly the US, Tajikistan and partly Taiwan
The handbook is available only in Russian and comprises 76 A5 pages.  
Price: USD 2 for a PDF copy via email.  
Payments: PayPal only.  
For inquiries and orders, contact St. Petersburg DX Club:  
Email: dxspb[at] 
Phone, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber: +7(921)793-72-84 
Alexander Beryozkin
St. Petersburg DX Club