
Friday, December 06, 2024

Blog Logs-December 2024


Welcome to the December 2024 edition of Blog Logs. Thank you for your emails and for following the Shortwave Central blog and X/Twitter at Shortwave Central @QSLRptMT. 

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Language services as indicated.
// denotes station heard on a parallel frequency
*Sign-on Sign-Off*/ frequencies kHz
Monitored November 4- December 4, 2024   

All times UTC

550, Rádio São Francisco, Caxias do Sul RS at 0408. Brazilian songs and Portuguese comments. SINPO 25442 (Grimm)
570, Rádio Eldorado, Criciuma SC at 0420. Sports report, soccer update to station ID. SINPO 35443 (Grimm).
1160, Rádop Luz e Alegria, Frederico Westphalen RS at 0106. New bulletin, “A Voz do Brazil.” (Grimm).
1170, Rádio Vanguarda, Ipatinga MG at 0207. Brazilian music to station ID. Bee Gees tune, SINPO 25442 (Rudolf Grimm, Brazil)
1250, Rãdio Tupanci at 0150. Romantic music vocals Killing Me Softly tune. SINPO 24322 (Grimm).
1370, Rádio Canção Nova, Curitiba PR at 0000. Portuguese talk to ID and mention of city and station call. SINPO 25542 (Grimm).
1430, Rádio Serra Negra, Serra Negra SP at 0010. Portuguese commercials that mention local Serra Negra. SINPO 25422 (Grimm).

1180, Radio La Voz de Artigas in Spanish at 0202. Station ID “La Voz de Artigas” to Spanish pop tunes. SINPO 24322 (Grimm).

11850, USAGM/VOA Selebi-Phikve relay 2055-2100.* Hausa conversations about U.S. politics. Fanfare music to VOA ID. Kiwi Kenya (G Van Horn, LA). 9485 at 1914 with Oromo discussions and sports reports. SINPO 55555 (Paul Walker, AK) 6080, VOA relay in English at 0302 (Sellers).4930, VOA Botswana relay at 0258. I.S. to VOA ID and five minutes of news (Walker).

9400, Overcomer Ministries relay to the Middle East at 1900. Top-of-the-hour IDs and station info to pastor’s sermon. SINPO 55555 (Walker).

9255, CNR-1, 1702 in Chinese with announcer’s talk; 6165, CNR 6/Voice of Shenzhou-Easy Radio 2203-2218. Chinese text to ID, text intro into special drama format. Noted Vietnam # 4 is underneath this signal. Kiwi Hong Kong (Van Horn).

11790, CGTN Radio at 2305 in English. World Insight program of news analysis. (Harold Sellers, BC Canda).

13770, CNR 7/Radio The Great Bay 0215-0230. Cantonese talk to Chinese pop vocals. Additional announcer’s talk and pop vocals, Kiwi Hong Kong (Van Horn).

5965, China Radio International (Xian Xianyang “594”) at 1300. Korean service text to light Asian music and Chinese sign-on to Korean station info and news. (Tony Pavik, BC Canada).

6000, CNR-1 (Beijing-Matoucun “572.”) at 1300. Mandarin service with time tips at 1300 into station ID fanfare. Signal fair-poor. (Pavik). 12045, China National Radio 1 via Beijing in Mandarin at 0047. Asian music and talk. SINPO 25442.(Grimm)

6200, Voice of Jinling (Nanjing) at 1235 in Chinese. A late start at 1235 with soft music on stringed instruments. Station ID, minus time tips. (Pavik).

7220, China Radio International (Jinhua) 1500. Japanese sign-on to male’s news with lead story on 8th economic summit in Beijing  Mongolian on 7285 at 1300. (Pavik)

5935, Shiokaze (Sea Breeze) via Yamata, Japan at 1405. Japanese intros translated text as, “I am calling on those who have crossed over to North Korea and are unable to return…we will send you the wind of your homeland.” Fair-good signal. English on 5955 at 1600; Revival Broadcasting System (Danshui/Tanshui/Tamsui in Korean on 7200 at 1400; 7290 Nippon no Kaze at 1500 in Korean; 11640 Radio Dabanga via Madagascar at 1700. Arabic ID’s; 11830 Mizzima Radio via Uzbekistan in Burmese at 1259;  (Pavik).

15130, NHK World Radio Japan via Issoudun, France relay in Japanese. Target to Central Africa, SINPO 35543. Radio France International on 15300 at 1932. New bulletin by announcer duo to instrumental. Station ID and phone-in calls. SINPO 35553. (Grimm). (Grimm).

3995/5920, Radio HCJB Deutschland 0028-0105. Good-fair signal for German religious praise music // 5920 poor. Selection of German vocals, piano instrumentals, acapella, and tune by Jincheneng Zhang (Van Horn). Website: 

15410, Akashvani 0245-0300. Fifteen-minute English newscast inserted between Hindi and Nepali programming. Chinese service 15280 at 0113. (Sellers, Grimm).

6055, Radio Nikkei 1 at 1359. Japanese service with promo messages and time pips at 1400 (Pavik).

13860, USAGM/Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty at 0327. Listed as Dari, shift to Radio Azadi at 0335 // 12140 (Sellers).

17700, KTWR Asia via Talata-Volonondry in Hindi at 1401. Announcer’s talk into Christian vocals by male. SINPO 27322 target to South Asia (Grimm).VOA relay 11735 in Shona at 1700 sign-on. Brief snippets of African music prior to newscast. (Pavik) World Christian Broadcasting 11610 at 2239 (Sellers).

North Korea
7570, Voice of Korea , Kujang in English at 2103. News and Asian music, program target to Europe. 9875, Mandarin at 2143; 11735 at 0342 in Korean, including ID “this is Voice of Korea.” SINPO 15421; 9650, Japanese at 2102 with orchestral music and program comments via announcers, SINPO 25432; 7570 at 0342 in Korea with Asian vocals and IDs; 11735, 0342 with Korean service. Interval signal, station ID targeting Asia. (Grimm).11810 at 2255 in English (Sellers).

12030, 1200 -1300 BBC World Service relay via A’Seela. Bells interval signal into English program promos, time pips, and intros to next-hour programming. Fair-poor signal. Dari 11995, 1600; Pashto 11995 at 1630 (Pavik).

15680, Hope Radio 4, Palau Medorn. English service 0328 with comments, instrumental music to sign-off 0335. SINPO 15421, targets Southeast Asia. A single 35-minute block of programming per week (100 kW) on Sunday 0300-0335 UTC. (Grimm)

9800, USAGM/VOA relay via Tinang at 1900. Korean program including brief contemporary music VOA newscast on politics // 9575. Additional Philippines: 11510 Radio Free Asia at 1600/ 2100 in Korean; VOA Mandarin on 11620 at 1100; BBC World Service 11645 in English at 2300. FEBC Manila 12055 at 2300 in Shan. (Pavik). BBC World Service 9580 at 2246 in English (Sellers).

12055 FEBC Philippines, Bocaue, Lahu at 0032. Christian broadcast in Lahu, SINPO 35543, program target to Southeast Asia. FEBC Radio Liangyou 1 on 12070 in Mandarin. (Grimm)

7375, Radio Romania International via Galbeni at 2113. Romanian service with features and announcer’s talk. SINPO 35443; French service on 17800 at 1138; 9780 in Romanian at 2022 (Grimm) 7220 at 2303 in English (Sellers). English service at 1942 on 11975 (Walker).

9690, Radio Exterior de España at 0200. Good signal for Spanish programming including signal time-pips and intro to program, La Cresta de Onda;  Spanish 12030 at 1700. (Pavik).9690 at 0138 via Noblejas. Speakers discuss health conditions in Spain. SINPO 25442 (Grimm). 9690 at 2301 in English (Sellers).

5875, Radio Free Asia relay via Dushanbe-Yangiyul.; // 7620. 2340-2359. Tibetan service with news topics amid slight signal fades. Fanfare openings to program segments from male/female duo. Interviews and promotions. Time tips to 2359* Burmese 0030-0130 on 7515. Kiwi Hong Kong. (Van Horn, LA)

United Arab Emirates
9540, IBRA Media/Radio Ibrahim via Al-Dhabbiya relay. 1700-1730. Station sign-on for Oromo service. Vocals in religious praise music into pastor’s sermon to 1720. Hymn vocals to additional text. Fanfare, bells tone to ID. Airspy HF+Discovery (Van Horn)
15575 Radio Free Asia relay via Al-Dhabbiya in Tibetan at 1210. Typical instrumental music and announcer’s talk. Target to Tibet, no notice of jamming (Grimm).

United Kingdom
15260, IBRA Media/Radio Sama via Woofferton, UK relay 1659-1705. Arabic service of talk and weak Arabic vocals into sermon format. Airspy HF+Discovery (Van Horn) (Pavik)
9765, USAGM/VOA Woofferton U.K. relay at 2054. SINPO 55555 (Walker).

United States
11860 //11930 // 13810. Radio Marti via Greenville, NC No jamming observed on any frequencies; 2024-2050. Spanish news and conversations on Venezuela and U.S. politics. Station promo, Spanish IDs and frequency. Chat about Cuba to 2045 .Airspy HF+Discovery (Van Horn) Radio Marti 13820, Spsanish at 1938 with talk on Cuba. SINPO 25332 (Grimm).

7490, WBCQ 0158-0205. Talk on better food choice during the holidays to program promo and contact info. Hal Turner’s show 0159. (Shortwave central Kiwi SDR Mandeville, LA. (Van Horn).

Vatican State
13750, USAGM/VOA Santa Maria di Galeri relay 2050-2055. Hausa service with conversations to phone calls about Africa. NLD Twente SDR (Van Horn).15565 at 1700 in French (Pavik)

11885, Voice of Vietnam 1827-1859. Closing bits of Spanish service to German sign-on 1829. Sign-on ID and program presentations. English service 1859 with IDs, and world news. Kiwi Hong Kong (Van Horn).7220 VOV in Mandarin at 1300; VOV 11885 Vietnamese at  1700 and English 11885 at 1600; Spanish 11885 at 2100 (Pavik).