
Thursday, December 12, 2024

From the Isle of Music on December 14


A couple of schedule adjustments start in December to get away from interference from other stations:

From the Isle of Music, December 14, 2024

We will finish 2024 with a potpourri of recent news (and related songs) in Cuban music plus some buried musical treasures.
Times UTC/ kHz:  

All transmissions from Channel 292, Rohrbach, Germany

0400-0500 on 9670 with beam R towards eastern North America but usable in parts of Europe, North Africa and Eurasia

1800-1900 on 9670 with beam E-F towards South Asia but usable in Europe, North Africa, and parts of the Middle East and Eurasia

2200-2300 on 3955 and 6070 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond)
(Tilford Productions)