
Thursday, January 02, 2025

Shortwave Radiogram, Program 383


Hello friends,

Happy New Year 2025!

With our two weeks of Holiday Spectacular broadcasts finished, we return to our normal format of one MFSK32 text story, one MFSK64 text story, images in MFSK64, and the closing announcements in MFSK32. With the occasional surprise mode or image under the closing music. Experiments with other modes are possible in the future.

I am becoming familiar with my new Yaesu FT-991A transceiver, with QSOs on a variety of bands and modes with this "shack in a box." I have experimented with the FT-991A's USB port to deliver digital modes directly to my PC without need for a separate interface. However, because of complexities in installing Yaesu's driver software, and anomalies with my PC audio settings (which take a long time to normal), I've decided to continue using the SignaLink USB interface. I can use the same cable connection as I did with my FT-897D, and the SignaLink jumpers are the same. The SignaLink has handy TX and RX controls on the front. I know how it works, so I'll stay with it.

For the Shortwave Radiogram transmission Saturday at 2300-2330 UTC, WRMI has lately been using both 7570 and 7780 kHz. You will remember that 7570 was off the air for several weeks due to hurricane damage. Its replacement has been 7780. Both were transmitting last week, and so the schedule below lists both frequencies. I'm not sure how long WRMI will maintain both frequencies, but it's good to have a choice for the time being.
A video of the previous Shortwave Radiogram (program 382 Holiday Spectacular) is provided by Scott in Ontario (Wednesday, December 25, 1330 UTC). The audio archive is maintained by Mark in the UK. Analysis is provided by Roger in Germany.

Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 383, 3-8 January 2025, in MFSK modes as noted:

 1:40  MFSK32: Program preview
 2:48  MFSK32: India launches space docking mission
 6:41  MFSK64: Microwaving to recycle insulated wire*
11:25  MFSK64: Images of the week*
27:12  MFSK32: Closing announcements

* with image(s)

Please send reception reports to

And visit

Twitter: @SWRadiogram or

(visit during the weekend to see listeners’ results)

Other Shortwave broadcast programs that include digital text and images include The Mighty KBC, Pop Shop Radio and Radio North Europe International (RNEI). Links to these fine broadcasts, with schedules, are posted here.
Thanks for your reception reports!


Kim Andrew Elliott, KD9XB
Producer and Presenter
Shortwave Radiogram