
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Weekend broadcasts on the que


RET World Service (Radio Emma Toc) returns to SW with VOLA programme

Happy to let you know that our first SW programme for quite a few years will be transmitted this Saturday by our good friends at Scandinavian Weekend Radio!

We then will be on again on Sunday via the mighty WRMI Radio Miami International, & then later in March we appear again on Radio Channel 292. 

From April we will be returning to our 'World Service' format, but for March we have a 60 minute music based show 'VOLA' loosely inspired by the original Voice Of Loving Awareness from the North Sea which finally succumbed to the waves 45 years ago in March 1980. 

Click here for times & frequencies- - & for a little background to the programme. I hope you can join me & we will be issuing eQSL's as in the past. As always - your emails, comments & involvement are welcome! 

Best wishes from - Jim
(RET World Service on Facebook, 25 Feb)

WRMI - 9395kHz
Sundays throughout March - 19:00 EST / 00:00 UTC (Monday)

Scandinavian Weekend Radio - 6170kHz + 11690kHz + 1602kHz + 94.90MHz
Sat. 1st March - 15:00 UTC / 17:00 local time

Channel 292 - 9670khz
Sunday 9th March - 12:00 UTC / 13:00 CET 
Saturday 22nd March - 10:00 UTC / 11:00 CET 
You can also hear us online on our RET / Radio Emma Toc Mixcloud page - click on the player on website
(Alan Pennington/BDXC)