
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

World Radio program from SDXF


On 13 February 2025, the Swedish DX Federation (SDXF) will broadcast a one-hour broadcast to celebrate World Radio Day

Programming will be predominately in Swedish at 0900 and 1500 UTC via Channel 292, Rohlbach, Germany on 9670 kHz. . There will also be English segments, including a discussion on number stations, an interview with Jonathan Marks, and music from the World's Shortest Music Program.
(F Hilton/Teak Publishing)

additional post as:

February 13, 2025 is World Radio Day and it is being celebrated by the Swedish DX Association with a special broadcast. 
As usual, the program is compiled by Göran Lindemark with the help of Christer Brunström.

The one-hour program has several different features. The Swedish Eagle, a Swedish DJ at KROQ, Los Angeles, is interviewed, as is Jonathan Marks, who has a long background in radio. 
We also learn a lot about the mysterious number stations that once puzzled many shortwave listeners. 
As usual, there will also be listening tips and a small mailbox with greetings to everyone who reported the Christmas holiday broadcast on Asfalttelegrafen 1494 kHz in Ludvika. 
In between the different features, there will also be a lot of music.

The program is broadcast at 09:00-10:00 UTC with a repeat at 15.00–16.00 UTC on 9670 kHz via Radio Channel 292.